Zongzi, a kind of traditional Chinese food eaten on the Dragon Boat Festival, is stuffed with glutinous rice, beans, meat and many different fillings and is wrapped in bamboo leaves or reed leaves.
We feed our group a range of plants including watercress, Chinese leaf and dandelion leaves.
For us, Chinese history is so long and multi faceted that it leaves us with many memories, sometimes glorious and sometimes painful.
And for one kilogram of Chinese leaves, half would be discarded before packaging.
In part, of course, this reflects the heavier workload in Chinese schools, which leaves less time for outside activities.
Ironically, it is the Buick badge that has connected best with Chinese motorists, and soon the brand may sell more cars in Asia than at home, where its staid image leaves many Americans cold.
We then see the white container with black Chinese characters as it leaves the factory along side other new containers.
Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus paulownia having large heart-shaped opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.
Q: It's reported that the recent mine strike in a southern province of Zambia leaves several mine workers wounded and two Chinese managers facing charges.
It is now clear autumn, chrysanthemums and crabs both growing fat; Leaves of Chinese parasols fall while lean cicadas are scarce.
Sitting alone in the study, the aroma of hibiscus touches, listen to Chinese parasol falls outside the window leaves with trenchant.
Persimmons (shi zi) have played a part in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years: Its flesh, leaves and stem are all good for you.
Chinese clematis with serrate leaves and large yellow flowers.
"Water Margin leaves," the reason for the higher assessment is the author of the plastic arts of the Chinese people the true meaning and essence of painting, image modeling.
The nitrate content of Chinese cabbage organ was: petiole (stem)> leaves> root.
Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus Paulownia, having large, heart - shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.
The aesthetic value of bamboos mainly displays in the shape and color of the stems and leaves, and the distinguished Chinese bamboo culture.
It can improve the growth of leaves in low chlorine concentration and make Chinese cabbage suffer toxicity in high chlorine concentration.
Set against that, fund raising by China's leading banks is still small. For sure, the relative health of their balance sheets leaves Chinese banks with some breathing space.
Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus Paulownia, having large, heart-shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.
Within the book by chongqing specialties yellow leaf painting Jue leaves, like a ripe colors feeling, as the dust into elegant, extremely use up Chinese ink and lasting appeal.
Agenocimbex ulmusvora Yang is a newly discovered insect pest that causes severe damage to leaves of Chinese elm and White elm.
I like to eat special made dry chili pepper together with fresh vegetables, like cooking authentic Chongqing hotpot by Chinese cabbage leaves.
The results showed total flavonoids of Chinese white olive leaves had well oxidationresistant ability.
As one of the greatest thinkers in the eighteenth century, Dai Zhen leaves a rich spiritual heritage for Chinese thought and culture treasury.
You can switch tomato into chinese sour vegetable, or green leaves vegetables that you like. U will enjoy different taste food.
Chinese old woman also has the new house to live, can also enjoy the life, only what is she lives before is the mother leaves behind the new house (to see, passes on part).
A myriad of tea names are the unique realm of art in the big family of tea culture, reflecting the physical characteristics of tea leaves and Chinese traditional culture and values.
The invention relates to a Chinese medicinal preparation used for spraying onto tobacco leaves, particularly to a Chinese medicinal preparation for inhibiting the harmful substances in the cigarette.
本发明涉及一种用于喷洒在烟叶上的中药药剂,特别是一种可抑 制香烟中有害物质的药剂。
The invention relates to a Chinese medicinal preparation used for spraying onto tobacco leaves, particularly to a Chinese medicinal preparation for inhibiting the harmful substances in the cigarette.
本发明涉及一种用于喷洒在烟叶上的中药药剂,特别是一种可抑 制香烟中有害物质的药剂。