Anyway, Let's invite the performances of Chinese Acrobatics Troupe again to show us the fabulous Contortion.
Chinese acrobatics ranks among the best in the world thanks to its rich repertory, long history, as well as its distinctive and colorful artistic characteristics.
Traditional Chinese drama, including Beijing Opera, is a kind of entertainment which includes spoken parts, singing, dancing and acrobatics.
The Chinese artists' superb skills and exquisite artistry of acrobatics won loud applause, cheering and even screaming from the audience.
他们高超的技艺、娴熟的动作、默契的配合赢得观众热烈掌声和阵阵喝彩,演出高潮迭起。 演出结束后,许多观众长时间热烈鼓掌,久久不愿离去,不少观众表示,此次演出是杂技艺术和中国文化的美妙结合,是难得的“中国文化大餐”。
During the reception, Chinese art troupe presented dance, magic show, acrobatics and martial arts.
From the verdant grasslands of the steppes of Inner Mongolia to the verbal acrobatics of Xiangsheng comedy duo performers in Chinese theaters, there is a lot to take in.
This paper, on the basis of investigation and literature, makes an analysis on the current situation of the reserve forces of the Chinese sports acrobatics.
Acrobatics, a world famous art, is one of the Chinese wonders which also include Great Wall, Imperial Palace and Terracotta Army.
Acrobatics, a world famous art, is one of the Chinese wonders which also include Great Wall, Imperial Palace and Terracotta Army.