Actually, the phoenix aluminum why so flies into a rage, you from the Chinese Basketball Association.
Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) has gone through its ups and downs for the past 15 years since its birth in 1995.
This season, he averaged 24.9 points and 11.5 rebounds in the Chinese Basketball Association with the Guangdong Tigers.
According to the documents of Chinese Basketball Association, there must be consent approval from both the clubhouse and the CBA.
CBA, the Chinese basketball Association, was established in June in 1956. It is a non-governmental organization in charge of basketball at national level.
Yi could return to the Guangdong Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association if he decides to shun Milwaukee although the Bucks would retain his NBA rights.
Everyone is counting on it: the National Basketball Association, the Chinese Basketball Association, his agent Dan Fagen, and even the William Morris Agency.
Yi played power forward for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) in 2002 and subsequently won the Rookie of the Year Award.
Yao, responding on the micro blog account of the Shanghai Sharks, the Chinese Basketball Association club that he owns, said he is ready to accept the challenge.
But in recent years, Anta has become the main sponsor for activities such as the Chinese Basketball Association, the China Volleyball league and China's table-tennis league.
Defending champion Guangdong Hongyuan vaulted back for a 97-57 thrash of Bayi Fubang on Tuesday to tie the finals series 1-1 at the Chinese Basketball Association league (CBA).
在周二进行的CBA总决赛系列赛里,卫冕冠军广东宏远 队以97-57狠狠回击了八一 富邦 队,将总比分扳成1-1。
Beijing Ducks, led by former NBA star Stephon Marbury who notched game-high 41 points on Friday night, clinched their first-ever title of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) league.
His most outstanding season in the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) was 2001-2002 during which he broke the CBA records by an average of 32.4 points, 19 rebounds and 4.8 blocked shots per game.
他最最出色的CBA赛季要属2001- 2002了,在那一个赛季他打破了CBA的记录,场均拿下了32.4分,19个篮板和4.8个盖帽。
The Elk Grove Chinese Association (EGCA) provides a place for members who are interested in playing basketball to get together and perform their favorite sports, together.
The Elk Grove Chinese Association (EGCA) provides a place for members who are interested in playing basketball to get together and perform their favorite sports, together.