Combining with the Chinese character code input mode, it forms a new and high speed Chinese character input mode.
Although modern relationship databases support table's fields defined with Chinese character code, but fields usually define with English character code.
The shortcomings of current Chinese character codes in realistic applications are pointed out. The concepts of internal numbering code and internal pronunciation code are proposed.
On the basis of resolving to Chinese character stroke, this thesis presents the abstraction algorithm which recognition code used according to the character characteristic.
A new processing code, unified digital code of Chinese characters, is developed, which makes full use of the sound, form and meaning of a Chinese character.
This system takes full advantage of the theory of MMC(multilevel machine code) to increase the ability of browser and to raise its Chinese text processing level from character to word .
Keyboard code location relative speed equivalence is a basic data for optimizing Chinese-character keyboard entry and can be used to compare various Chinese-character entry methods scientifically.
This study focuses on the role of the phonological code and orthographic code in reading Chinese character by foreign learners.
It USES PC to transform Chinese character interior code in the sentence to dot matrix display data and send them to LED display screen through serial device.
The character die of Chinese character can be get by a kind of making code software. C Language is used to write program to achieve OLED's display.
According to the Chinese character semeiology, code-switching function is the basic information function of character system.
The present invention is one kind of configurational code for Chinese character input, which is standardized, easy to learn and fast in input speed and has large amount of words.
The present invention is one kind of configurational code for Chinese character input, which is standardized, easy to learn and fast in input speed and has large amount of words.