However, Chinese etiquette of giving and receiving gifts differs a lot from that in other cultures.
Stores in nearby Bond Street are training their staff in Chinese etiquette as well as recruiting language experts.
My camera recorded the style and characteristic of the school: dynamic teaching, Chinese Etiquette, acqierement and skills.
Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties are the culture center of Chinese etiquette and arts with radiation of continuously arriving in North Dynasties and Sixteen Kongdoms.
Baoji, the birthplace of Chinese culture in both Zhou and Qin dynasties, is closely related to Book of Songs, which recorded well the traditional Chinese etiquette and music in Zhou dynasty.
But Li has maintained a pricklier relationship with some of her etiquette-challenged Chinese fans.
The cultural differences between Chinese and western ideas, causing great difference between Chinese and western etiquette fundamentally, that there is a big difference.
People's dining position reflects the most obvious etiquette of Chinese table manners.
Tourism Etiquette Rules for Chinese Citizens Travelling abroad.
The Chinese earliest etiquette was produced in the diet activity.
Staff training is going on in terms of the etiquette of dealing with Chinese shoppers, such as passing back a credit card by presenting it with both hands.
As a distinctive category of the plastic arts, Chinese ancient wine glass design perfectly embodies ancient peoples esthetic ideal of utility, beauty appreciation and etiquette.
The Chinese known as the "nation" is, in fact etiquette is one of the traditional Chinese culture.
In the process of cross-cultural communication, etiquette difference between Chinese and Western countries is an unavoidable issue.
Burial is a very tedious folk activity of Chinese traditional etiquette.
In establishing relationships with Chinese stakeholders, general business etiquette is not enough.
Through research, we find that we Chinese Wushu and Japanese etiquette was judo, South Korea's Taekwondo compared the situation to carry out rituals, there is a big gap.
Etiquette is the core of Chinese traditional moral philosophy which based on the training of discipline in order to the creative moral personality.
Traditional % etiquette is spread for thousands of years of Chinese blood, if clogged arteries, China can only be called is a modern country, and not as China.
Wedding banquet seating is indeed important in the Chinese traditional etiquette, the seat is the identity and status of this person closely linked.
Content: Further discussion on daily life and work, current news and some Chinese culture, such as Chinese holidays, etiquette and so on.
Content: Further discussion on daily life and work, current news and some Chinese culture, such as Chinese holidays, etiquette and so on.