One is from a Korean film, another's recomposed from an old Chinese folk song, a song that I actually never heard of it.
To welcome the Italian guests, the President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce sang an Italian folk song and a Chinese folk song.
This music "Flute's Jasmine" comes from Chinese folk song "Jasmine". It was arranged by Chen Xin who is a composer from Shanghai Conservatory of music. Played by New Shanghai Chamber Flute Ensemble.
By comparison, other Chinese folk songs and Hakka folk song have some common points. The words are understandable and popular. The register of the tune is narrow. Modifiers of dialect are widely used.
The Young Man Sings Folk Song in the Opposite Door by Chinese director Zhang Ming became the biggest winner of the night, the film was awarded Best Screenplay, Best Music, and Best Actress.
Yangge dance is a form of Chinese folk dance originating from the Song Dynasty.
First was the rock version of the famous folk song about Chinese ethnic pride, "Lineage of the Dragon," released in 2000 on his album, "Forever First Day."
It is a decorative handicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in the Tang and Song Dynasty in China. It was later popularized in the Ming.
Chinese knotting is a decorative handicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in the Tang and Song Dynasties in China.
Liuyang River, as the Chinese classic folk song since creation, which is widely circulated.
This paper offers an introduction to the history, distribution, theme, content and musical features of the Chinese multipart folk song.
Instead, it is a genre of the Chinese classic poetry, which was originated from Jing Yan (Amour Song of Jing), a sort of folk song in Chu Region.
它来源于楚地民歌“荆艳” ,本义是“词关闺闼”、事涉男女的诗作。
The study shows there are many ancient Chinese compositions in the language of the folk song of Hakka, the reason of which is the Hakka came from Central Plains.
The gala was over with the song " Love My Country ' and the Chinese national folk dances ."
The gala was over with the song " Love My Country ' and the Chinese national folk dances ."