Luxun and Hushi are explorer and founder of Chinese modern literature.
Leo Ou-fan Lee has noticeable contribution to the study of Chinese modern literature.
The 30 years of Chinese modern literature was the revelry-time of pulmonary tuberculosis image.
The deepening of tragic spirit indicates the height that classics of Chinese modern literature has attained.
The significance of literary history of literary faction is a weak segment in Chinese modern literature studying.
Channeling off the engendering of elaborate works of Chinese modern literature and mature of modern literary creation;
Laoshe is a writer of the culture, his novels reflect features of Chinese Modern Literature from its beginning to mature.
He is dim poetry, is the pioneer of Chinese modern literature model tacit, As for Chinese Confucianism and in-depth study.
Chekhov is one of the Russian writers who have been most frequently introduced and commented in Chinese modern literature.
This thesis strives to expound the declination and decomposition of the traditional family culture in Chinese modern literature.
This article illustrates the contribution of "native novels" to our Chinese modern literature in history from the Angle of themes.
From Kendaburo Oa literature to the Nobel Prize for literature, we may work out the solution for puzzled Chinese modern literature.
At the end of 90's, the novels written by the authors of the 70's have become a new scene in the field of Chinese modern literature.
Just like its literary creation, the translation of Chuangzaoshe is very important in Chinese modern literature and translation literature.
The historical relationship between Chinese modern literature and art culture of China and the West is an important research topic at present.
The plural and contradictory narrations of nation-state constituted complex forms of the modern cultural Identity in chinese modern literature.
New Chinese modern literature writers showed no difference when Konfucian was denounced, but Lin Yutang had no opinion being convinced Konfucian.
From the concept, mode and value of the regional culture study of the Chinese modern literature, the theoretic level of study need to be improved.
The Chinese modern literature before the new period became break the ranks cause the mortification literature policy and yarnsmith's sequacious craze.
It has been nearly 80 years since the history of Chinese modern literature was studied, and this course has been taught in colleges for over 70 years.
This important fact in literature history reminded us to reevaluate the significance of 'living experience' to the origin of Chinese modern literature.
It is the reasonable logic in this thesis that we must rethink the declination and decomposition of the traditional family culture in Chinese modern literature.
The novel "The Besieged City", a classic novel in Chinese modern literature, is praiseworthy for its super language art, which is embodied in many artistic ways.
The first difficult step forward of Chinese modern literature was not only out of historical inevitability, but also closely relative to many incidental factors.
In recent years, studying chinese modern literature using Bakhtin's polyphony theory and exploring polyphonyness in modern literature have been a noteworthy phonomina.
Among the numerous poets in the history of Chinese modern literature, He Qifang is called "dream-drawing poet", and his poems and proses are classified as "monologue"style.
In Chinese modern literature, Shao Xunmei is a well-known aesthetic poet, publisher and literature activist. But the research on Shao Xunmei has long been in a limited scale.
Chinese modern literature reforming has its specific realistic reasons and the time power, the reforming process still receives the traditional influence of the Chinese literature.
Chinese modern literature reforming has its specific realistic reasons and the time power, the reforming process still receives the traditional influence of the Chinese literature.