Meanwhile, gives recommendations to Chinese multinational companies in how to achieve global strategy in the process of global operations through international networks.
In addition, the Chinese market has become so important to the success of multinational companies that Beijing has the ability to drive harder bargains.
But some nimble Chinese companies without the heft of the multinational giants are poised to ride the Olympic boom, too.
Multinational real estate consultancies have expanded quickly in the country in the past decade to help Chinese companies manage property.
Rather than targeting leading Chinese companies, FedEx focused on those multinational companies which had Chinese operations and were already FedEx's customers in the U.S. or elsewhere.
In some cases, multinational companies want to keep their best Chinese executives inside China because the market is so important to them.
Its part of China's "Go Global" policy - a strategy to transform Chinese companies into multinational corporations.
Globalization and the entry to WTO result in the impact from many Multinational Corporations that are coming into the market, while most of the Chinese companies are ready for the challenge.
A recent article in the China Daily noted a survey of multinational companies that found less than half of Chinese university graduates suitable for employment.
"Conflict and Fusion of ti Yu Nationalism and Globalization" - multinational companies and their integration into the Chinese market, a paper is divided into five parts: part I: Introduction.
Many multinational companies have long since begun to focus their China manufacturing operations in the vast Chinese market.
It has become common practice for Chinese business professionals in foreign-invested multinational companies(MNCs)to acquire and use western personal names.
Facing the challenge of multinational companies, local Chinese companies are either out of the market, either growing in competition with foreign companies.
On the one hand, more large multinational software companies to increase investment in the Chinese market for products and services, rapid increase in demand for localization;
Of the 202 companies surveyed, 85% were wholly owned by foreigners, 9% were joint ventures between Multinational corporations and Chinese partners, and 6% were categorized as "others."
Of the 202 companies surveyed, 85% were wholly owned by foreigners, 9% were joint ventures between Multinational corporations and Chinese partners, and 6% were categorized as "others."