I watched some episodes though they didn't have any Chinese subtitles.
Some coordinate the time axis to ensure Chinese subtitles synchronize with the soundtracks.
Usually directed toward the Chinese subtitles, actors, characters, or plot progression.
Most videos thus have Chinese subtitles, or soon will, or might because of a viewer like you.
Some users also use the sites to upload unlicensed broadcasts of American television shows with Chinese subtitles.
Choose a movie you like and watch it through (without Chinese subtitles) trying to grasp the overall meaning of the story.
So watch a DVD of an English-language film with Chinese subtitles. Then, a week or so later, watch the film again with the subtitles covered up.
Say for example, if you watch HOUSE with Chinese subtitles, you'd end up learning more about the medical jargon alongside conversation skills.
Chinese subtitles provided by YYets group, one of the first translation groups dedicated to open courses translation, are recognized as some of the best in the industry.
But the movie was in English, and my listening comprehension isn't good enough, sometimes I had to watch the Chinese subtitles to see what the characters were saying.
This collaboration is on display as the festival showcases a number of Chinese-language movies -- in Mandarin, Cantonese and other dialects -- nearly all with English subtitles.
Once they have the show on their hard drives, the team spends the rest of the day creating subtitles for it in Chinese before putting it back online for other fans to watch.
This program will be conducted in Chinese. The movie will be in Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles.
Telephonist: Yes, we have subtitles both in Chinese and English on the big-screen just beside the stage.
I'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into Chinese.
The phrase originates from a Chinese fantasy drama "The journey of Flower" or "Hua Qian Gu", and its English translation first appeared on the subtitles of CCTV news channel.
English subtitles of American sitcoms have gained preference of the Chinese audience and increasing people realize their importance in English learning.
It is actually in Chinese but I am able to read the subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
In Cantonese or Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles.
In Cantonese or Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles.