Fu Gui, 33, was reconnected with his birth parents after using "Baby Come Home", a Chinese website that helps people find their missing children.
The English learning is a Chinese website, grounding friends!
In a poll on Chinese website Sina, 51% of users said they did not support the ban.
Tomb Raider China is a comprehensive Chinese website which was established in 14 Feb, 2010.
The Chinese website of Institute of Global Managers is under construction, please visit us at a later time.
On the Chinese website douban for reviews, the movie has a score of 9.1, averaged from over 100,000 viewers.
"The game content and the values embodied in military thinking... are very different," one Chinese Website warns.
Hence, it's highly suggested to have a professional Chinese website when you plan to launch business into China market.
Kind of tired of going shopping for clothes in LA, I sometimes would go check a Chinese website out to look for clothes.
When he then searched for "China" and still saw no results, he decided to set up a Chinese website - the seed for Alibaba had been sown.
之后他又搜索了“中国”,没看到任何结果。 那时候他就下决心要建立一个中文网站,这也许就是创立阿里巴巴的初衷。
Stone's comments also created a swell of anger on the Internet, including at least one Chinese website devoted solely to disparaging her comments.
At the same time, we provide Chinese website and foreign language translation of web site, so that can be easily your product promotion, website promotion.
He hastened to start up computer, to login his mailbox in Chinese website of yahoo, which is used specially to receive letters from China and is only known by his Chinese friends.
The Third One: One special characteristic of this Chinese website is to present my Guardian Master's precious teachings in his daily replies to questions raised by disciples or Dharma friends.
And the second one is about the analysis application of eBay Chinese website and English website. The two cases indicate that this tool can help web designers and maintainers improve work efficiency.
That is the beginning of the Chinese Etymology website.
He has put more than 96,000 ancient Chinese characters onto the website.
If I want to decorate my website with some Chinese elements, what should I do?
The Chinese court hasn't commented on the case, and no notice of the appeal appears on its website docket.
Inspired by the Indian anti-bribery website ipaidabribe.com, at least eight Chinese online forums have sprung into existence since last Friday, bearing names with similar meanings.
受到印度反贿赂网站“我行贿了”的启发,自上周五起,国内先后出现至少八个类似的网络论坛。 这些网站的名称也都大同小异。
Yes, it is possible to create a profitable website in languages such as Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, or even German.
The website will be available in English, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesian, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese.
The website will be available in English, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesian, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese.