A fast algorithm for generating Chinese word segmentation digraph was given.
Overlapping ambiguity is a major type of ambiguity in Chinese word segmentation.
Transliterated person names identification is the necessary part of Chinese word segmentation.
The system of Chinese word segmentation based on machine learning is researched and implemented.
The ACL-SIGHAN sponsored the First International Chinese Word Segmentation in July, 2003 in Japan.
2003年在日本札幌举行了第一届ACL -SIGHAN国际中文分词竞赛。
So, to make the computer capable of handling Chinese text, text must do Chinese word segmentation first.
More and more new words keep emerging, which brings more challenges into Chinese word segmentation task.
In those texts, we select bigram as feature after Chinese word segmentation, deleting stop word and other process.
This paper mostly researches Chinese word segmentation, because it is a basal place in intelligent answering system.
The design and implementation of"Chinese Word Segmentation"is the most important part of the search engine technology.
Abstract the dictionary mechanism serves as one of the important components in a lot of Chinese word segmentation systems.
Index module: first of all, discuss the design method of Chinese word segmentation and choose a word segmentation algorithm.
The speed of Chinese word segmentation is very important for many Chinese NLP systems, such as web search engines based on words.
Aiming at the dissatisfied effect of Chinese word segmentation to Email texts, an improved Maximum Match Based Approach is presented.
We analyzed, designed and achieved a module of Chinese word segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Tagging based on Condition Random Fields model.
Here we explore SVM for a Chinese word segmentation task, use the context attributes and rule-based attributes as the features for a sample.
Combinational ambiguity is a challenging issue in Chinese word segmentation in that its disambiguation depends on the contextual information.
The paper introduces the design and implementation of Chinese word segmentation system, which is based on statistic the frequency of the word.
In this paper, the authors think that the key to accelerate the research in China is to solve the problem of Chinese word segmentation. 14 refs.
Using prefix tree and dynamic programming, this algorithm boosts the speed of Chinese word segmentation and guarantees relatively high precision.
The process of the intelligent scoring is divided into three main steps: Chinese word segmentation, syntactic analysis and similarity computation.
Search engine technology related to natural language understanding, Chinese word segmentation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and so on.
Chinese word segmentation is a basic research issue on Chinese NLP areas such as information retrieval, machine translation, text correction, and so on.
Therefore, the primary issue of Chinese information processing, that is, to a sentence to separate words, this is the Chinese word segmentation problem.
As a basic component of Chinese word segmentation system, the dictionary mechanism influences the speed and the efficiency of segmentation significantly.
This paper analyzes several existing Chinese word segmentation methods, brings out a keywords extraction algorithm which according to the weight formula.
In this paper, the dictionary mechanism is dynamic TRIE tree, and we have designed the Chinese word segmentation dictionary. The dictionary USES less memory.
In this paper, we extend a word-based trigram modeling to Chinese word segmentation and Chinese named entity recognition, by proposing a unified approach to SLM.
Two key techniques in the development of Chinese Information Retrieval System are discussed in this paper, i. e., Chinese word segmentation and search technique.
Two key techniques in the development of Chinese Information Retrieval System are discussed in this paper, i. e., Chinese word segmentation and search technique.