Schrader initialed the chit for the barman.
She's such an energetic girl and likes to chit chat with everyone.
Usually the person you've called, 14 they'd like to chit-chat too.
Later, he was ordered to serve again as GSO Grade 2 under Gen Chit Swe.
I'm not afraid of being in public. But I am horrible at chit-chat and gossip.
A mother must have a chit from a health worker to get skimmed milk for her baby.
Just think of all the hellos, good-byes and other unnecessary chit-chat you avoided.
So, the last thing you need is the Chatterbox eating up your time with endless chit chat.
I am willing to give you a peace of mind of depend on, when you are lonely chit chat with you.
Like many others, he's grown weary of the mindless chit-chat around which the site seems to thrive.
Yet too much social chit-chat and getting-to-know-you-type conversation adds up to missed opportunities.
Yet too much social chit-chart and getting-to-know-you-type conversation adds up to missed opportunities.
The air conditioner condensation and chit problems are classified and analyzed and the solutions are put forward.
Annie: It was good. We just got together chit-chat and had some snacks. I think that was the best time of the year.
Instead of idle chit chat, Menzio worked on a math equation for a speech he was due to give after landing in Syracuse.
Well, the chit-chat slowed down, the early nights became about sleep and the texts were requests to pick up milk on the way home.
There are six guests on table tonight, all of whom are acquainted with each other, so everyone is quite enjoying the chit-chats.
When I was having a chit-chat with my colleague, she asked me all of a sudden, "How did your husband propose to you at that time?"
"I'd be into talking more about your idea for putting together a show" - that sort of thing can help turn chit chat into reality.
“关于演出,我很想多听听你的意见。” ——这些话将使你们的聊天不 再 只是纸上谈兵。
After you've used that technique, then you just might have a bit of general chit-chat.A bit of fluff talk, like ‘How have you been?
The KNU told Mizzima that Colonel Saw Chit Thu's comments were in fact just another cruel trick orchestrated by the Burmese regime.
Others take cigarette breaks, head to the vending machines, or stop by a co-worker's office for chit-chat as they make their way through the office.
Meanwhile, Brits and Germans are the best at making chit chat with random strangers - spending 50 per cent more time than any other nationalities schmoozing.
You don't always have the time for chit chat when you have to deal with clients and other people in the field so what better way than just shoot them and email.
Inside you will find models in different real life situations, chit-chatting, moving, performing home activities, travelling, relaxing, shopping and many more.
Inside you will find models in different real life situations, chit-chatting, moving, performing home activities, travelling, relaxing, shopping and many more.