He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
If you do want to use the command prompt, we also have a tool that pops up a command window in whichever directory you choose in the Solution Explorer.
The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent a grave for three years and even after being dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed.
Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart's final flight.
The students who do not sign up before Friday lunchtime won't be able to choose their afternoon activities next week.
The intent is that all of the work committed is completed, no matter what comes up, so choose a percentage of slack that fits your team.
When you're choosing installation type, be sure to select Custom (advanced) and choose the partition you set up above.
No matter what sales forum you choose, set yourself up to accept credit card payments from your customers.
You can keep your focus on highly productive server-side programming, and still choose to jazz up your interfaces occasionally.
A fight has recently erupted over "IFRS 8", which lets company bosses choose how to divide up their business segments for reporting purposes, much as American standards allow.
Choose a bedtime and wake-up time that work for you, and follow the same routine each day, even on weekends.
You can vote stories up or down, choose which channels you want to surf, and email links to your friends. You can also easily access your favorites.
Ultimately, the conversion and validation strategy you choose is up to you.
If I don't choose to pick up during the voicemail, a copy is instantly sent to my email to listen to or read as a transcript.
Instead of you filling out each line, a small box will pop up allowing you to choose what will go in.
Download and fire it up, choose a new project and point the application to Firefox Setup that you downloaded from the web.
Within broad genetic constraints, humans can choose what time to go to bed and get up.
It is up to the developer to choose which information to pass along and how as the next example will show.
Some users might choose to hook up separate screens and keyboards when needed, such as when answering E-mail or browsing the web.
Thus, some people choose to set up a trust (often called a revocable living trust), a legal entity to which a person can assign all of their assets while they are alive.
Any time you see the person who hurt you or the topic comes up, choose to flow with feelings of hope instead of sorrow.
With many graduates to choose from, employers increasing turn up their noses at anyone who does not sport a degree, no matter what the job's requirements.
Before you even pick up your trowel, you'll need to choose which variety or varieties to grow.
You can choose to set up replication automatically when you create a new table through a grid.
You may also choose to tighten up your spending habits simply to get out of debt or to save more for retirement.
Choose fragrances that make you smell like a grown-up, not a kid in a candy store.
For example, some customers may choose to set up a log shipping environment on a standby machine.
The administrator can also choose to back up the IBM NAS server daemons' log files.
The administrator can also choose to back up the IBM NAS server daemons' log files.