Facial expressions aren't as important in live performances generally, because the choreographer knows that someone in the back row of a theater may not be able to see a dancer's face clearly.
British author and speaker Sir Kenneth Robinson talked about this at TED. He told the story of Gillian Lynne, a dancer and a choreographer (编舞者) who has worked on famous musicals like Cats and Phantom of the Opera (《歌剧魅影》) .
英国作家和演讲者肯尼斯·罗宾逊爵士在 TED 上谈到了这个。他讲述了吉莉安·林妮的故事。吉莉安·林妮是一个舞蹈演员和编舞,曾出演过著名的音乐剧《猫》和《歌剧魅影》。
I'm not a choreographer, I'm actually a filmmaker, a storyteller.
The intermittent changes the choreographer imposed never altered its length.
My choreographer keeps chiseling away at me, hoping to shape me into perfection.
The following table provides a summary of the process choreographer audit events.
A business process in process Choreographer interconnects several so called "activities".
In fact, Choreographer has introduced a significant number of extensions to the BPEL language.
Process Choreographer USES staff plug-ins to determine who can start a process or claim an activity.
Process Choreographer使用人员插件来决定谁可以启动流程或声明活动。
This mode is best if you intend to implement the business process using the Choreographer technology.
Process Choreographer provides a default set of staff verbs that can be used for standard staff queries.
Process Choreographer提供了一组缺省的人员谓词,可以将其用于标准的人员查询。
Process choreographer writes audit log data to the AUDIT_LOG_T table of the process choreographer database.
流程编排器将审核日志数据写入该流程编排器数据库的AUDIT_LOG _ t表中。
Figure 3 shows the Business Process Choreographer components involved in authorization and staff resolution.
This article described the compensation service in Process Choreographer and its usage in the OTMPS scenario.
本文描述了流程编排器中的补偿服务以及它在OTMPS 场景中的使用。
This pattern represents the combination of a Service Choreographer component with a Service Bus implementation.
A navigation transaction is used by the Process Choreographer engine to perform, for example, variable updates.
These work items are stored in the Business Process Choreographer database, thus caching staff resolution results.
A staff plug-in provider is supplied for each staff resolution plug-in supported by Business Process Choreographer.
Process Choreographer issues a single assessment availability request to Message Broker with the list of assessors.
Process Choreographer向消息代理发布一个评估可用性请求和一个评估员列表。
Long-running business processes and human tasks are persisted in the business process Choreographer (BPC) database.
长时间运行的业务过程和人工任务存储在BusinessProcess Choreographer (BPC)数据库中。
The query is mainly supported to be consistent to the other Business Process Choreographer staff resolution plug-ins.
As mentioned before, the business process Choreographer manages the life cycle of business processes and human tasks.
正如前面提到的,BusinessProcess Choreographer用于管理业务流程和人工任务的生命周期。
Figure 1 shows an overview of the Business Process Choreographer architecture, which consists of two major components.
Business Process Choreographer provides a default set of staff verbs that can be used for standard authorization rules.
A set of simple staff queries is supported by all staff resolution plug-ins shipped with Business Process Choreographer.
The resulting deployed staff query is stored in the Business Process Choreographer database and is available at run time.
This is the very first movie that Jackie Chan has made in Hollywood where he hasn't served as martial arts choreographer.
This is the very first movie that Jackie Chan has made in Hollywood where he hasn't served as martial arts choreographer.