The effects of nitrogen on properties and structures of chromium white cast iron with 0.
As cast martensite high chromium white cast iron has good wear resistance and high impact toughness.
The low chromium white cast iron had been treated with different cooling rates after 40% deformation .
对低铬白口铸铁经过40 %热变形后,用不同冷却方式下得到的组织与力学性能进行了研究。
The corrosion wear resistance of low chromium white cast iron increases when the silicon content increases in it.
The high chromium white cast iron was carried on wear abrasion test under different loads on the testing machine.
The effect of inoculation on the structure and properties of Jhigh- chromium white cast iron is investigated in this paper.
The effect of multi element alloying on the microstructure and properties as cast of high chromium white cast iron has been studed.
There exists high stress in the high chromium white cast iron after hardening treatment, which is rather harmful to practical application.
It was concluded that the alloying elements for high chromium white cast iron can be selected according to the function of bond parameters.
Variation and failure of the grinding ball of high chromium white cast iron during production and service are mainly caused by the internal stress.
The results show that the corrosion wear resistance of low chromium white cast iron decreases with the increase of Cu2 + ion concentration in slurry.
The carbides types, techniques preparation, microstructure, property, and applications range of three kinds of chromium white cast iron were introduced.
The current status of research work, production technique and application on high chromium white cast iron are introduced and its research trend is also discussed.
The effect of Si content on the corrosion wear resistance of low chromium white cast iron in the slurry with Cu2+ ion was studied by three-body corrosion wear test.
The effect of Si and Cu on the corrosive wears resistance of low chromium white cast iron for making grinding body of large grinding ball mill used in mine was studied in the conditions of laboratory.
Adopting forging method and proper heat treatment after forging can improve significantly the impact toughness of chromium alloy white cast iron.
High chromium-Molybdonum wear-resistant alloys are hypoeutectic white cast iron.
High chromium-Molybdonum wear-resistant alloys are hypoeutectic white cast iron.