Objective To observe the therapeutic action of Gangyanling on experimental chronic liver injury.
The PTEN knock-out mouse is one model of chronic liver injury that ultimately leads to liver cancer.
We were initially looking for what is driving liver stem cell proliferation during chronic liver injury.
The clinical spectrum of chronic liver injury ranges from mild inflammation to end stage liver cirrhosis.
The results indicated that DHZCP can prevent chronic liver injury markedly and liver fibrosis to some extent.
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of Ganfukang Granule(GFKG)on chronic liver injury induced by CCl 4 in rats.
Methods The models of chronic liver injury in rats were set up with CCl 4, and 7 weeks later treated with Ganyanling both by ig or IP for 12 weeks.
When chronic liver injury occurs, cells in the liver begin producing collagen and other proteins that lead to the formation of fibrous tissue and scarring.
Conclusion Expression of HSP70 in hepatocytes may play an important role in liver immunological protection, and may be a marker of liver tissue injury in chronic hepatitis b.
Objective To establish and screen chronic and immunologic liver injury models for mice.
The liver injury with chronic alcoholism leads to fibrosis and regeneration of the hepatocytes in nodules. This firm, nodular appearance of the liver as seen here is called cirrhosis.
Conclusion Acupuncture "Zusanli" point has the function of protecting the liver cell membranes and improving the liver cell membrane's fluidity of chronic alcohol liver injury rat.
Objective: To investigate the protective effects of diammonium glycyrrhizinate phospholipid complex injection (DG-PC) on acute and chronic-immunological liver injury.
目的:评价甘草酸二铵磷脂复合物注射剂(DG - PC)的对急性、慢性免疫性肝脏损害的保护作用。
Objective: To investigate the CT appearances of chronic alcoholic toxic cerebral encephalopathy and liver injury disease.
The liver injury with chronic alcoholism leads to fibrosis and regeneration of the hepatocytes in nodules.
The liver injury with chronic alcoholism leads to fibrosis and regeneration of the hepatocytes in nodules.