The facts should be presented in chronological order.
It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.
It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.
Table 1 lists these activities in chronological order.
The results of the six cases will be presented in chronological order.
I like to have the newest on top, so I sort them in reverse chronological order.
When you tell a story, it is a series of events which happen in chronological order.
These words can tell you that a speaker is explaining something in chronological order.
Under each topic heading is a series of article summaries in reverse chronological order.
History need not be learned in chronological order or require memorization of dates and names.
The runs are listed in chronological order, with the most recent run at the bottom of the list.
The typical model is to sort the items by date, so you can read the entries in chronological order.
Then, “Any email you send to the past appears in the proper chronological order in your recipient’s inbox.
This RSS file contains the most recent items from the participant weblogs, in reverse chronological order.
That's certainly the case for each of our ten favorite hard science fiction books, listed in chronological order.
Remember, you want to place the posts by those other users in reverse-chronological order (most recent on top).
It maintains a list file that has one HTML table row for each Purify run so far, in reverse chronological order.
Enable the user to add several modules, stacked in chronological order as the user builds up a complicated query.
The format option creates a plain text trace output file in which the trace records appear in chronological order.
Many people use reverse chronological order when listing dates; that is, start with the most recent date first and work backwards.
Media events narrate the events that occur in chronological order. They are story - telling styles, so they are one kind of narrative.
If you put my injury and work history into chronological order, you'll see that most of major injuries occurred while I was dancing hurt.
They are: keep the documents in chronological order, remove all the chips and pins, punch the documents evenly and place them in the folder.
Using this in the announcement module, we can override the chronological order of the listed announcements and have sticky ones placed at the top.
Later, blogs emerged into a collection of articles, usually in reverse chronological order, related to a specific topic. As Wikipedia puts it.
This includes making sure functions are listed in reverse chronological order and that C++ functions are de-mangled (meaning they are in :: format).
这包括确保以反时间次序列出函数,以及对 C++ 函数进行 de-mangled 处理(这意味着它们采用 ::格式)。
This includes making sure functions are listed in reverse chronological order and that C++ functions are de-mangled (meaning they are in :: format).
这包括确保以反时间次序列出函数,以及对 C++ 函数进行 de-mangled 处理(这意味着它们采用 ::格式)。