Oracle must chuckle every time an open-source operating system company reports its paltry profits or losses.
This, usually said with a chuckle and a batting of the eyes, is generally meant to be just silly conversation, but I know too much to consider it to be cute.
She gave a chuckle of delight.
Today I unearthed a copy of "90 Minutes" and had a chuckle at your article.
The officer, almost unable to control his chuckle, explained to her that "22" was the route number, not the speed limit.
Mulan gave me a pathetic lower-teeth-revealing smile and grunted a charity chuckle. Then she got back to the topic at hand.
An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada—get this—"We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."
Demagogues can flatter and whisper and chuckle.
In the carriage going back to their hotel, Peter starter to chuckle.
'They joke with me about it —' I feel like a real man, "she says with a chuckle."
Everyone knows what tends to happen next, yet it rarely fails to elicit a chuckle.
The worst case scenario is that you'll get a chuckle from the Barrista at Starbucks.
As if his last years were spent in a perpetual state of chuckle at the wonder of it all.
There was a strange chuckle in her tone, a dangerous and convincing humour in her bearing.
"The last time I was invited to Japan, in 1945, I didn't much want to go," he would chuckle.
"It's true we're less willing to eat bitterness," Chen said with a chuckle. "we're better educated."
Old people whose grown children pay little attention to them can chuckle at their neglect and loneliness.
Cynics chuckle, and even Mr Paul sounds unenthusiastic about the Paulville project, in which he had no hand.
Every time somebody wrote 00 in the year column of some form or anything of that sort, it gave them a chuckle.
I chuckle. "yeah, yeah... I didn't say a word. But we do need to get back to the schoolyard so I can get my football."
No, I answer with a chuckle, there's no such industry in Alaska. But that's okay, because my son is not an engineer.
Research shows that a hearty chuckle revs up the respiratory system, oxygenating the body and making you feel awake.
The reason I like it is the look on the security man's face as he guards the manager behind him. It really makes me chuckle.
While I don't think you'll be calling in to work so you can play this one all day long, it's good enough for a quick chuckle.
When Things Go Awry, Laugh and Move On - When kids are dealt an unexpected hand they usually chuckle and work around the issue.
"If I had, the sword would not have helped him break out," replied Griphook. Gornuk laughed again and even Dirk gave a dry chuckle.
It appeared as if he owned the bottom one only, and I reckoned this to be quite comical, although I dared not to chuckle in their presence.
I've found that if you can make someone chuckle or laugh, you are more than halfway there to easing the tension and awkwardness in the room.
I couldn't help but chuckle when an old roommate came from Washington to Los Angeles and thought he was going to see movie stars on every block.
I couldn't help but chuckle when an old roommate came from Washington to Los Angeles and thought he was going to see movie stars on every block.