The craft was neither saucer-shaped or cigar-shaped, but somewhere in between, something like a elongated saucer.
Rather than use either a spherical or a cigar-shaped aerostat, as the gas-filled envelope of a lighter-than-air craft is known, Skylifter has developed a discus-shaped one.
He lights a cigar and blows a perfect, heart-shaped smoke ring at Sienna, who LACES it with her slender arm as though it were a bracelet.
Similar, if not identical to Vimanas, Vailixi were generally "cigar shaped" and had the capability of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere or even outer space.
It is shaped like a cigar so it's easy to put in a briefcase and it has some pretty good features.
The cigar shaped craft in the penultimate frame taken by Phobos 2 is apparently the object casting the oblong shadow on the surface of Mars in the earlier photo.
After checking the oil, he had had just finished a glass of water and then saw a large cigar shaped object hovering in the sky.
After checking the oil, he had had just finished a glass of water and then saw a large cigar shaped object hovering in the sky.