Inhale stretch the arms up in a circular motion.
Rotate shoulders forward in a circular motion.
The oscillating screen moves in a circular motion.
Work in small areas, applying using a small circular motion.
Post pregnancy - massage in circular motion for faster rebound and toning.
These protective therapeutic rays are in a continuous circular motion while you are in meditation.
Uniform circular motion occurs when an object goes around in a circle and when the speed never changes.
Hands behind to elbow as the center, clockwise to do circular motion, then rotate counterclockwise.
Now Tom was motioning with his hand out, palm down flat, making a small circular motion in mid-air.
Because data is stored in a spiral fashion, users should avoid wiping the disc in a circular motion.
The motors and drive units on these two types of polisher's oscillate in an eccentric circular motion.
Einstein's elevator; Artillery range; Uniform acceleration and circular motion using dimensional analysis.
Step Five: Clasp your left thumb in your right hand and move thumb in circular motion - then switch thumbs.
After cleaning foot, apply an appropriate amount onto the palms of your hands, massage foot with circular motion.
Electric Dipole Radiation. The Radiation Field, the Near Fields. Radiated Power. Example: Charge in Circular Motion.
The ground is made to move in a circular motion, causing it to rise and fall as visible waves move across the ground.
When using sponges or a cloth apply the glaze mixture with a circular motion - as if you were actually washing the walls.
Electrolytic solution shows a circular motion when electric current flowed in a magnetic field through a electrolytic cell.
They would take off and land in a circular motion, in conjunction with the air currents generated by the magnetic field energy.
Your therapist will usually start at the base of the throat and work his or her way to the facial area in an upward circular motion.
You can also apply coke to a chrome finish which is rust spotted - pour some on a rough textured cloth and rub it in a circular motion.
I put a little amount of polishing compound onto a damp sponge and buff the scratched area in a circular motion until scratches disappear.
Perhaps the dreamer who imagined you wishes you to doubt your being, so doubt itself is only a circular motion in thought and not an answer.
It swirls, as circular motion in air masses is the response to conflicting forces, as seen in the circular motion of tornadoes and hurricanes.
Directions: Apply some to face or neck, massage in circular motion for 5-10 minutes, then wipe off with towel or rinse off with lukewarm water.
使用方法:取本品适量,涂于面部或颈部,进行打圆圈式按摩5 - 10份钟,按摩完后,用毛巾也可擦净,也可用温水洗净。
Directions: Apply some to face or neck, massage in circular motion for 5-10 minutes, then wipe off with towel or rinse off with lukewarm water.
使用方法:取本品适量,涂于面部或颈部,进行打圆圈式按摩5 - 10份钟,按摩完后,用毛巾也可擦净,也可用温水洗净。