The beautiful architecture and vibrant night life are one face of the city, but cities also have problems of inequality, crowding and poverty.
She laughed and said she had been out day and night, having the time of her life in her favorite city, and she didn't have time to sit around waiting for the phone to ring.
Only at night, after the sun has set below the desert horizon and the smell of grilled camel drifts out of the sandwich shops that dot the broad boulevards, does the city come to life.
The most obvious phenomenons are night market and vender culture in city life. It has very close relations to our life.
The purpose and function of the city night environment are to provide space for citizens' night life.
That's what my wife really loves about my night life, and that's what she least worries about me when she is away from me in another city.
Like the myth behind its namesake, Phoenix seems to have come out of nowhere to rank as the nation's fifth largest city. It boasts sunny days, cool night life and eye-opening museums.
Like the myth behind its namesake, Phoenix seems to have come out of nowhere to rank as the nation's fifth largest city. It boasts sunny days, cool night life and eye-opening museums.