Modern technology helps to bring water from the snow and ice on the top of the Andes (over 6,000m high) for the city to use.
Residents have been told they can use running water for only five hours a day because the city can no longer depend on 20 of its 29 reservoirs.
Atlanta almost ran out of drinking water in 2008, because the city had not spent any effort over several decades on providing water to its growing population.
The city also has its own churches, palaces and other public buildings, all situated on the water front.
He went to all over the city on to the sketch books, sometimes using water colors to lay in themes.
At Mobile, on the 4th inst the water communication was cut between Spanish fort and that city, and a battery was established above the fort.
The people of Gaza City and the north now have no water. That comes on top of having no electricity.
Rescue teams with generator-powered floodlights worked into the night in the worst-hit city of Ercis, where running water and electricity were cut by the quake that rocked eastern Turkey on Sunday.
As a result, Kanpur has the most widespread water poverty of any major Indian city: a third of its residents get by on less than 13 gal. (50 l) per day.
On the telephone, residents reported that tanks had been battering the old city, sewing needles and sheets had been used to stitch and bandage up the wounded, and food and water were almost gone.
Let me guess, instead, the city draws on the water tower's supply of water during these hours of high demand.
Islamic Relief is fixing this well to aid members of the community of Beit Hanoun, a city on the northeast edge of the Gaza Strip, to provide drinking water and water for crops.
This city of 3 million, perched on hills between the desert and the fertile valley below, draws its drinking and irrigation water from the Jordan River.
Before the storm the city had 58, 000 residents; based on water usage, perhaps 40% are still gone.
As a result, the city, which is in Tarrant County, must rely on storage water, making the system much more exposed to the worst effects of prolonged drought.
结果是,位于Tarrant County(太伦郡)的这个城市必须依靠储存水源,这也让其暴露于长期干旱的危险中。
Established in 1888, the verdant 1,000-acre natural reserve is situated at the tip of the city and surrounded on three sides by water.
Situated on the ocean and possessing a fine, deep-water port, British Columbia's largest city faces Vancouver Island to the west and mountains to the east and north.
A picture of a Chinese university student in the city of Wuhan apparently studying hard at his desk surrounded by murky flood water has surfaced on Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo.
And municipal water supply and drainage pipe is erected on the ground, if there are problems, will give the city the normal production and life bring serious effect.
With so much piped water lost to the ground beneath the city, Mexico city is now exploring rainwater collection and purification to lighten the load on overtaxed aquifers.
The train actually crosses the water and deposits us on the edge of this ancient city.
A: On top of that, there are a few large chemical factories in the suburbs, which are contributing to the high pollution levels in the water and the air in this city.
A city water connection should be available for use on the heat exchanger in the event of failure of the chilling unit.
Because of the shortage of fresh water and the competition of the industry, it increasingly depends on the pool-quality water (saline water or city sewage) in agriculture produce.
Because of the shortage of fresh water and the competition of the industry, it increasingly depends on the pool-quality water (saline water or city sewage) in agriculture produce.