The peasant laborer and the formal worker are unlike payment with the labor, are unlike right no at the same time, are the city border group all the time.
The role transformation from youth peasant worker to urban-citizen is a process and status which youth peasant are working and living in city and gradually transferring into urban-citizen role.
The peasant worker children who are the marginal person of city, have to need more loving care for the particularity of family environment and society environment.
农民工流动的家庭化带来了农民工子女。 作为城市的边缘人,农民工子女因家庭环境、社会环境的特殊性,更需关怀。
The peasant worker children who are the marginal person of city, have to need more loving care for the particularity of family environment and society environment.
农民工流动的家庭化带来了农民工子女。 作为城市的边缘人,农民工子女因家庭环境、社会环境的特殊性,更需关怀。