This year city services will separate for recycling enough refuse to reduce the number of truckloads of refuse to be incinerated to half of last year's number.
Last year all refuse collected by Shelbyville city services was incinerated.
There was a lady from the countryside who came to the city and checked into a hotel. Then she said to the bellman, "I refuse to take a tiny room like this, with no window and no bed in it!
一个乡下姑娘进城,在宾馆前台办理完了入住手续,然后对接待员说: "我才不住这么小的房间,连个窗和床都没有!
We discuss status and development trend of municipal domestic refuse in HuaiNai city, expound the harm of domestic refuse, and put forward processing and management countermeasures of it.
Electricity for the city would come from many sources, including the burning of trash from the city's refuse collections.
Based on the idea of "three rings for one dot" whose key point is system analysis and whole process control, the refuse classification plan for Gulangyu District in Xiamen City was proposed.
The player has been pleading for Arsenal to come and get him, but I'm pretty sure that he'll proclaim that Man City is his "dream club" when they give him an offer that he can't refuse.
Taking resource power plant of Zaozhuang city as an example, the paper introduces the applications of spray drying process in tail gas puri? Cation of refuse incineration.
The disposal of city domestic refuse is a problem the whole world must face, especially in China with large population.
Michael Owen is looking for a lucrative free transfer in the summer and has told his Newcastle team-mates he is hoping for Liverpool, Manchester City or Everton to make him an offer he cannot refuse.
Piling and Landfill are the main ways of disposing house refuse in Nanning City. The secondary pollution has exerted negative effect on the environment.
It looks just like any other orange bin, except it' s equipped with a solar panel on its lid and has a sound mechanism, " said Bernd Mueller of the city' s refuse collection department."
Agencies in the alliance will refuse to consider nannies placed on the list, which is believed to be the first of its kind in the city.
Agencies in the alliance will refuse to consider nannies placed on the list, which is believed to be the first of its kind in the city.