Presumption is an important part of civil evidence system. It has a special value and status in the evidence system and even in the whole civil proceedings.
The Legal origin of the evidence system mainly includes criminal, civil, administrative laws and relevant judicial explanation from the highest judicial authorities in our country.
Evidence is the objective material which proves the fact of civil case, and the evidence system is the core of civil procedure.
The Law of Civil Procedure issued in 1991 put the litigant's investigating evidence first and the court's investigating evidence secondary in our system of collecting proof.
In terms of burden of proof, obtaining evidence in court and the system of witness, our country code of civil procedure exists shortage and blemish.
How to collect evidence in international commercial arbitration is traditionally different in the common law system and the civil law system.
Evidence is the core and foundation of civil litigation and the perfect evidence system is the safeguard to realize procedural justice and substantive justice.
Aware of the evidence the suspect was mainly reflected in common law countries, the evidence discovery system and the civil law countries the right to a lawyer among Marking.
The excluding or admitting of evidence is not only the core issue in Anglo-American evidence law, but also an important part of the theoretical research and judicial practice in Civil law System.
Part III: the thinking and reconstruction about the active written evidence-collecting system in civil procedure in our country.
Part III: the thinking and reconstruction about the active written evidence-collecting system in civil procedure in our country.