The traditional theories of civil litigation law hold that only doing the direct interested person qualify the proceedings and can be the litigant.
These claims don't aim at certain property but directly at certain act of somebody, so applying the property preservation in our country's civil litigation law can't solve them.
In recent years, civil litigation accepted by China's court has been breaking the boundaries imposed by civil litigation law, thus leading to the conflict between practice and law.
The theory of legal relation of civil litigation is one of the three theoretical cornerstones in civil procedural law.
The false civil procedure as a new malicious use of the courts and in fraud of law in our country, have yet to be clearly defined, litigation academic study on this issue is still in the intial stage.
Patient complaints, confidentiality, privacy, unexpected outcomes of treatment, adverse events and related civil litigation are especially pertinent matters of health law in the new millennium.
According to the Chinese Civil Procedure Law, representative litigation is not group litigation in its real sense.
The admissions endowed with the law can give rise to effect certainly and fits the basic characteristics of equal nature and personal domain of civil litigation.
Because of the civil litigation legislation and the idea of law, the present system of civil prosecutorial supervision is a closing system, which is short of efficiency and restriction.
At present only on the basis of civil perjury civil law, and others participated in the proceedings for perjury, and according to prejudice the conduct of civil litigation handled.
Chapter three gives discussion on the debate on civil litigation of the law circle in China and introduces the theoretical foundation of the civil public interest litigation.
The civil public interest litigation ADAPTS to the requirement of rights security of modern civil law, and is a most important litigation security mechanism of the new civil rights.
But the prescription about rating jurisdiction in our current law of civil litigation isn't perfect enough, even exists defects on systems.
The right of disposition of party concerned in civil procedure law is very important in civil procedure law and also it is an important right of the party concerned in civil litigation.
The major states and regions of common law and civil law are provided for loss of rights system in order to solve the problem of litigation delay.
As an important part of the civil litigation, the civil pretrial process is clearly provided by all of the countries in the world in their code of civil law.
Article 13 the parties shall be entitled, within the scope stipulated by law, to dispose of their civil rights and their litigation rights.
The attestation of civil litigation should set up the criterion which has the important meaning on Materical Law, Procedural Law, and restraining judges from their subjectivitive random.
Prescribed period for litigation is an important aspect in the civil law system in our country, different from the period w'nen some right is supposed to exsist.
In the litigation process of expert involved, the common law system and civil law system have developed different expert opinions-expert testimony and expert conclusion.
Thus, research into modern legislation of the related enterprises of each country and especial the related procedural law in international civil litigation is of important significance.
The requirement of litigation is an important concept in the civil procedure theory of civil law system.
Article 13 the parties to a civil litigation shall be entitled, within the scope stipulated by law, to dispose their rights of civil affairs and litigation.
The distribution of burden of civil evidence is an interacting production of civil substantive law, civil procedural law and litigation policy.
The value of the group action is superior to that of the law and the civil litigation.
However, as the main part of the civil procedure law, the system of litigation expense hasn't been valued for quite a long time by the jurisprudential circle.
The advanced experience of western countries has important reference value for the improvement of civil litigation system of anti-monopoly law in China, and is worth being studied.
The advanced experience of western countries has important reference value for the improvement of civil litigation system of anti-monopoly law in China, and is worth being studied.