The civil and commercial jurisdiction of European Union (EU) is the core of EU civil procedural law.
In recent years, in the field of civil procedural law, the research of the expert witness system is booming.
But there isn't any prescription on preservation of act in the civil procedural law in effect of our country.
The laws and regulations of our country such as Company law and Civil Procedural law failed to stipulate this system.
The theory of legal relation of civil litigation is one of the three theoretical cornerstones in civil procedural law.
But the laws and regulations of our country such as Company law and Civil Procedural law failed to stipulate this system.
The new version of civil Procedural Law being issued does not mean that the civil procuratorial system need not develop and improve.
The above time limits do not apply to cases with foreign elements involved in accordance with Article 250 of the Civil Procedural Law.
In China, Jurisdiction objection system is also established in the Civil Procedural Law, but there are shortcomings and inadequacies in it.
The challenge system stipulated in the Civil Procedural Law of Japan is formulated in reference to the German Law of Continental Law system.
The macroscopic aspects include: the huge change with people's legal views in our country and the reformation in civil procedural law system.
The distribution of burden of civil evidence is an interacting production of civil substantive law, civil procedural law and litigation policy.
Therefore the title of chapter 10in Civil Procedural law"the Coercive Measurds to Perverting of Civil Proceedings"should be amended to "Legal Responsibilities".
Burden of proof is one of the most important concepts in civil procedural law, which is comprehended and applied differently in Anglo-American law system and continental law system.
Thus, the provisions of jurisdiction objection are generally made to provide the litigants with a relief right to the wrong jurisdiction in the Codes of Civil Procedural Law in the world.
The formal strictness of a procedural law decides the supplementary legal application to good faith doctrine in civil action.
The amendment to the civil procedure law of china is to build a multiply summary procedures system which is based on the procedural guarantee and procedural rights of the litigants.
This chapter draws heavily on civil law and common law countries in cases of compulsory medical legislation, from both substantive and procedural aspects of the comparison and reference.
The attestation of civil litigation should set up the criterion which has the important meaning on Materical Law, Procedural Law, and restraining judges from their subjectivitive random.
China's three major procedural laws, Criminal Procedure law, Civil Procedure law, Administrative Procedure law all defined the witnesses as those who will participate in the proceedings.
Including criminal fringe of the civil trial, violation of procedural law deliberately contrary to facts and the law and bending the law referee, not including civil mediation.
Then, from aspects of procedural law, it states proposals to improve protection on Chinese civil law of network fictitious property.
To control administration power and protect civil right through setting down an administrative procedural law became the need of administration by law.
Thus, research into modern legislation of the related enterprises of each country and especial the related procedural law in international civil litigation is of important significance.
Article 1: the law applicable to foreign-related civil and commercial contracts refers to the substantive law of the relevant country or region, exclusive of the conflict of laws and procedural law.
As to the procedural illegal ACTS of police, prosecutors, and judges, the institution of invalidation of ACTS in action has been established in the civil law countries to punish such illegal ACTS.
The method of juridical revocation is related to the tradition in Roman law in which the civil juristic relations was formed by procedural method.
The method of juridical revocation is related to the tradition in Roman law in which the civil juristic relations was formed by procedural method.