The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.
It shouldn't be happened in a civilized society.
Each of us can not leave alone other people's work and living in a civilized society.
Part of a civilized society is to let people go to medical school who come from ghettos.
It is required that the right of privacy be protected by the law in a civilized society.
Essential in the modern civilized society, chemicals are more and more a part of our lives.
When we can do it all the time, our civilized society on the other side also made a step closer.
It is only by growing up in a civilized society of law that we learn the idea of proportionate response.
The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly civilized society.
The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly civilized society.
A civilized society should follow this criterion: each person is born equal and entitled to equal rights and freedom.
The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.
The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.
Please be civilized, after all, this is a modern civilized society. Some vulgar and derogatory culture should be abandoned.
Establishing and perfecting the forewarning system and emergency mechanism is an important mark of modern civilized society.
Modern civilized society should respect the right of life and personal freedom of choice and provide patients with hospice care.
Although we consider ourselves as highly advanced beings living in a civilized society, bad manners can still be found here and there.
I would further argue that equitable health outcomes should be the principal measure of how we, as a civilized society, are making progress.
We have a model that we value. We are a civilized society. We pay taxes. We take care of your needy. The question is - is this sustainable?
Since human being entered into the civilized society, housing becomes one of the most essential parts of the production of material goods.
Meanwhile, the introspection and anxiousness of the civilized society in his works are also employed and made the modernism tradition continue.
Financial institutions are a pillar of civilized society, supporting people in their productive ventures and managing the economic risks they take on.
The East, is the cradle of the mysterious ancient culture as well as a powerful force essential to the prosperous development of the modern civilized society.
Empathy, the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and recognize and respond to what that person is feeling, is an essential ingredient of a civilized society.
Empathy, the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and recognize and respond to what that person is feeling, is an essential ingredient of a civilized society.