The buildings have a structural frame made of galvanized steel and are clad in corrugated sheet metal painted black.
To create the dark metal finish on the two upper levels, these blocks are clad with Galvalume - a type of steel sheet that is coated with an aluminium and zinc alloy.
The once strong, vibrant man was reduced to a sheet clad patient who tried to communicate his love to her through hall-shut eyes.
The clad metal sheet has been produced by a proprietary roll bonding process.
Shear test of clad steel plate and sheet was carried out according to old and new standards.
The project takes the form of an architectural cast-in-place concrete base upon which a floating sheet steel clad open-ended volume and an 8-4-16 masonry volume are situated.
The self molten Fe base alloy powder on low carbon steel precoated sheet was melted by thermal plasma arc. The microstructure and hardness of the clad coating were analyzed.
The copper-clad invar sheet material prepared by use of said method has the low coefficient of expansion, good radiating capability, large capacitance and good electromagnetic screening effect.
The copper-clad invar sheet material prepared by use of said method has the low coefficient of expansion, good radiating capability, large capacitance and good electromagnetic screening effect.