Perfectly. and when this happens, the other party is entitled to claim damage or demand other reasonable remedial measures.
In the example later in the article, the model is used to provide one place you can set security for all information in all damage claims regardless of the type of information used in the claim.
For example, in the medical profession or in insurance claims processing, a second opinion, a second batter of tests, or a second estimate of damage is usually sufficient to validate a claim.
The simple storyboard in Figure 4 shows how these actors collaborate on the damage claim.
For the damage claim example this might include the policy for the claim, the driver name, the location of the damage, etc..
In the damage claim workflow, there is a small set of actors who collaborate in the context of the damage claim.
Once the claims manager receives a payment, he opens the damage claim, changes the payment status to PAID and enters the date of the payment as shown in Figure 9.
We cannot acknowledge your claim for damage due to defective packing.
Ms. McCreary says candidates consistently damage their reputations by sending cover letters that disingenuously claim a specific position at the company is their dream job.
At the end of the workflow, the state of the damage claim is updated to Closed and the case is declared as a record as appropriate.
State Farm, Pace's insurance company, covered the roughly $3,500 in damage to Innes' car, and a claim representative sent Innes a letter of appreciation this summer.
Pace的保险公司StateFarm 负担了Innes 的车大约 3500 美元的修理费用,并宣称将在今年夏天给 Innes 写一封感谢信。
State Farm, Pace's insurance company, covered the roughly $3, 500 in damage to Innes' car, and a claim representative sent Innes a letter of appreciation this summer.
Pace的保险公司StateFarm 负担了Innes 的车大约 3500 美元的修理费用,并宣称将在今年夏天给 Innes 写一封感谢信。
NEW YORK. The Chicago federal appeals court that denied an artist’s rights claim for damage to a work made of living wildflowers has refused to rehear the case.
But the potential damage claim for making a duff rating would be so large that agencies might either be driven out of business or made excessively cautious by the threat of legal action.
The biggest damage is to Mrs Clinton's claim that she will be an effective chief executive.
The damage turned out to be bad enough that we'd have to file a claim with our insurance company.
We are not responsible for any damage that happened during transit. You may expect the shipping company to entertain your claim.
Since the damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, you should claim on it for recovery of the loss.
货物的损不既然是货运公司因野蛮装卸造成的,所以贵方应该向它索赔你们的损失。 。
Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading.
Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or short loading.
Since the damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, you should claim on it for recovery of the loss.
If you find any damage phenomenon, should be signed by the carrier, and notify the local admitted that insurance company claim for compensation.
The focus of disputes was whether the owner could claim the wasted expenses as damage. The tribunal of arbitration awarded the owners damages for wasted costs.
Now the State compensation Law doesn't mention liability of damage caused by overtime hearing of court. So the counterparts of certain case couldn't claim any compensation for their loss.
The second meaning is object of ownership including both material property such as estate and chattel and intangible property such as patent and claim of compensating for damage.
As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim for compensation should, in our opinion, be referred to them for settlement.
As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim for compensation should, in our opinion, be referred to them for settlement.