First, a claim folder containing a claim form is submitted for processing.
Once, each claim form then passed to a loss adjuster for approval; now software is increasingly used instead.
以前,每份索赔表格传给理赔师(loss adjuster)审批;现在愈来愈多地由软件代劳。
Consider the situation where a user started filling out a claim form but could not locate their policy number.
Click a button to start a session in which both the customer and customer service rep can view and interact with the claim form data.
Please complete this claim form in full. If space provided for your answers is insufficient, please continue on a separate sheet.
STEP 3: Ship the defective or malfunctioning part(s) and the Warranty Claim Form to us at the address on the Warranty Claim Form.
Players that achieve a cash win in either the Lottery or Sweepstake will be sent a claim form via email to be completed and returned.
Automatically copy data from the claim form a customer started filling out to the one being co-browsed by the customer and customer service rep.
If it is after 2 weeks and there is a chargeback dispute, complete the Vendor Compliance dispute Claim Form and mail it in with the appropriate documentation.
For example in an insurance claim form template you might use a section to group a set of text boxes that are used to collect contact information from policyholders.
If the defendant is in England when he is served with a claim form or equivalent document the courts have jurisdiction; if he is not, then (generally) they have none.
Acme wants to leverage the WebSphere Application Server CEA Feature Pack to quickly and effectively connect customer service reps with customers who are having problems filling out a new claim form.
Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness.
Isn't it tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents a Harvard degree?
Isn't it tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents a Harvard degree?
You're almost ready to test the initial calling and co-browsing flow for the claim request form.
In its rudimentary form, a human being receives the claim information and decides whether to approve the claim, reject it, or involve an adjuster.
It would be a much better experience if the user and customer service rep could jointly browse and interact with the new claim creation form.
Suppose a customer encounters a problem after they've started filling in data on the claim creation form.
In the example claim creation form, to maintain privacy it's probably not wise for the customer service rep to see the name of the other party in the accident.
Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real vibrancy.
But far from being a reliable and painless form of death, they are frequently botched, opponents claim, and can cause excruciating pain.
To provide the function needed to copy over form data at the beginning of a claim creation co-browsing session.
A separate page, csrhome.html, with the CallNotification widget listens for calls from the customer and provides the capability to co-browse the claim creation form with the customer.
一个包含CallNotification的单独页面csrhome . html负责监听来自客户的呼叫并提供与该客户共同浏览索赔创建表单的功能。
A separate page, csrhome.html, with the CallNotification widget listens for calls from the customer and provides the capability to co-browse the claim creation form with the customer.
一个包含CallNotification的单独页面csrhome . html负责监听来自客户的呼叫并提供与该客户共同浏览索赔创建表单的功能。