There was no other name for the original clan member, whose details had been lost over the years.
To deal with the rabbit problem, settlers introduced stoats — a member of the weasel clan and a terrific predator.
为了应对兔子的问题,定居者们引进了白鼬。 白鼬是黄鼠狼家族的一员——也是一个恐怖的掠食者。
After a decent interval, letting his wisdom sink into my mind, he continued. "on the other hand, you have proved yourself a valu-able member of our clan."
So to deal with the rabbit problem, settlers introduced stoats - a member of the weasel clan and a terrific predator.
Several extendedfamilies make up a jilib, which is the group responsible for paying the bloodprice in the event a member kills someone of another jilib or clan.
'If an alien or a temporary resident among you becomes rich and one of your countrymen becomes poor and sells himself to the alien living among you or to a member of the alien's clan.
So to deal with the rabbit problem, settlers introduced stoats — a member of the weasel clan and a terrific predator.
After a decent interval, letting his wisdom sink into my mind, he continued. "on the other hand, you have proved yourself a valuable member of our clan."
Society this belong to wish group, all expenses can announce to member all patronage planned to carry on moustache clan development of affairs.
It's possible that you'll find yourself involved in a delicate situation with a member of your clan.
It's possible that you'll find yourself involved in a delicate situation with a member of your clan.