The drawbacks (for some people) are the limits on shareholders: no more than 100 of them, they must be individual us citizens or residents, and only one class of stock is allowed.
The result of using the power of the whole PC to browse is a new class of web application without many of the limits on today's sites.
The usage of a temporary table limits tracing to procedures of the class MODIFIES SQL DATA.
Come so, examinee narrowed review limits, grasped assessment point, the outline of professional class exam that drew the outline of to belong to him examinee.
Course content includes various professional, into the class qualifications not set limits.
The policy of ritual manifested the harmony of community, which had historical and class limits.
The first part, premising the organization, limits concept and establishes the theory basis of the moral education class ;
The boxer weighed in at more than the limits for his class and had to sweat off a few pounds.
那拳击手 赛前 称的 体重超过了他的级别限度,他只得用出汗的办法减轻几磅。
Thus this paper tries to deal with four issues related to this topic:(1)correctly understand the statement of interval and limits of IQ class;
In many optical communications systems, the Raman optical pumping signals exceed Class I m limits and have significantly higher power levels than the optical data signal.
在许多光通信系统中,拉曼光泵浦信号超过1 M级界限并具有比光数据信号明显高的功率级。
The Raman optical pumping signal can exceed Class 1 M limits and, in fact, can have a much higher optical power than the optical data signal.
The Raman optical pumping signal can exceed Class 1 M limits and, in fact, can have a much higher optical power than the optical data signal.