Using class abstraction to allow for future extensions.
We like to refer to these types as making up an extended basic language of primitive built-in and primitive class abstraction types.
The classes except for the discovered abstraction class do not have attributes and operations.
The use of the class as the primary means of abstraction is key to object-oriented framework design.
You can implement abstraction by having realizations between the interfaces and the class implementations.
Nor does a class diagram with implementation classes necessarily raise the level of abstraction.
Here, we have experienced and explored a semi-automated method for generating a high-level abstraction of a UML class diagram.
这里,我们尝试并探索了,以半自动方法产生U ML类图的高层抽象方案。
Producing high-level abstraction class diagrams with aggregation and association relationships
Because of the limitations of the DBI and relational databases in general, Class: : DBI is not completely successful in this abstraction, but it gets close enough for 90% of real-world projects.
由于DBI的局限和关系型数据库的广泛应用,Class: DBI在这一抽象中没有获得完全成功,但是它对90%的实际项目来说是足够的。
These constructs support the object-oriented form of encapsulation, where only the essential public abstraction of a class or trait is exposed and implementation information is hidden from view.
Figure 3 presents a class diagram for this abstraction layer.
Figures 2 and 3 show the rest of the steps required to produce a tree structure of an abstraction class diagram.
Show an abstraction class diagram by selecting a class from the abstraction list.
The invoking application's class, which ACTS as the Web services client, deals only with the abstraction.
Implementers who want to exploit an abstraction such as this need to inherit from the _templated class, like in the Listing 13.
想要开发这样一个抽象,实现者需要从_ templated类继承,如清单13所示。
Dojo provides a powerful abstraction that decouples the widget rendering definition from the widget behavior implementation: the dijit -._templated mix-in class.
Dojo提供了一个强大的抽象,即dijit - . _Templated混入类,可以将小部件呈现定义与小部件行为实现分离开来。
The PortletAdapter class is an implementation of the central portlet abstraction, the portlet interface.
PortletAdapter类是中心portlet抽象,即 portlet接口的一个实现。
The service class is an abstraction that represents a WSDL service.
In Listing 2, the code first includes the necessary class file for the MDB2_Schema package, and then initializes the MDB2 abstraction layer by calling its static factory method.
To begin, the script includes the XML_Query2XML and MDB2 class files, and then initializes an instance of the MDB2 abstraction layer through its factory() method.
首先,脚本包含了 XML_Query2XML和MDB2类文件,然后通过它的factory() 方法初始化了一个 MDB2抽象层实例。
If a class that uses an abstraction has to downcast to a specific subclass in one section, you're not following the Open Closed Principle.
Functional language constructs such as higher-order and first-class functions allow me to climb one more rung up the abstraction ladder and focus more on what the code does rather than how it does it.
函数语言结构,如高阶和一级函数,能让我对抽象的理解更进一步,让我更多地将精力放在代码能做什么而不是怎么做 上。
A community-type, as a class-concept, is inescapably an abstraction .
Choose one of the following abstractions (or an abstraction of your own choosing). Determine what data is needed in the class. Provide an appropriate set of constructors. Explain your decisions.
This metadata abstraction enables the storing of information that is the intersection of that which is specific to neither the class nor the interface.
This metadata abstraction enables the storing of information that is the intersection of that which is specific to neither the class nor the interface.