The size and complexity of the document handler class increases with the number of different XML tags, up to the point where readability and maintenance can become very difficult.
When I add new features to a class, each new member can see the other visible members, so the theoretical complexity increases.
A way to find a class with too much responsibility is through the efferent coupling measure, also referred to as fan out complexity.
Please note that the logic applied here depends on the structure of the domain model, and as the level and number of attributes increase, the complexity of conversion increases in the action class.
With a minimum of interactions, complexity should grow less when advice are added to a join point than it does when members are added to a class.
Thankfully, the S3 class hides this complexity.
Determining the CC of class methods in a code base and continually monitoring these values will give your team a head start on addressing complexity issues as they arise.
I have included a utility class called EmailSubscriber in the sample code for this article, which abstracts some of the complexity.
Some of the common questions relating to cyclomatic complexity are "How does my code compare to others?" and "What is a good number for a particular class?"
与圈复杂度相关的常见问题包括 “我的代码与别人的代码相比怎么样?”和 “对于一个类,多大的数值是合适的?”
In the simple class diagram of Figure 1, you can see that the two classes share a few relationships (just bear with me if all this complexity seems contrived: it serves a purpose!)
This use case is an extension of the bottom-up scenario with the added complexity of synchronizing existing class models in RSA with the new or modified information.
这个用例非常类似于自下而上场景,只是另外还需在RS a中用新的或被修改的信息同步已有的类模型。
I'd rather write new code, but I enjoy taking some existing code and reducing complexity in a method or extracting duplicate code into a common class.
Using complexity metrics for class length, method length, and intra-class coupling (that is, object imports and unique types) is the first step toward understanding what you're up against.
We could make a lot of little manual mocks, but to make that effective, we would need to move the recurring code into a base class, and we would be right back to too much complexity again.
The complexity of the code for handling parameters, as well as its pervasiveness and quantity, suggests that it should be treated as a first-class citizen within Struts.
I fear the the new object-oriented systems may suffer the fate of LISP, in that they can do many things, but the complexity of the class hierarchies may cause them to collapse under their own weight.
This depends on the complexity of the decision function and the expected class overlap, and is, of course, inherently related to the chosen procedure.
The complexity and creativity of class teaching make teaching wisdom become the inevitable requirement of teaching activities.
It is impossible for all people to accept labor value theory due to the complexity of epistemology and class consciousness.
Computational learning theory provides formal framework for comparing the performance of two algorithms, and can determine the sample complexity and the computational complexity of some concept class.
Based on this equivalent definition of NP , another randomized complexity class is given: SUPER NP .
基于此等价定义,定义了另一个随机复杂性类:SUPERNP 。
Good class projects can vary dramatically in complexity, scope, and topic.
By modifying and recombining these metrics, put forward class level inheritance complexity and system level complexity of inheritance.
Based on the theory of metric complexity for linear systems, this paper studies the modeling complexity of a class of consumption systems via a mechanism model of the consumption process.
The risings of the non-elite add to the complexity of the operation of the village's power, it also makes it possible to bring the growth of the legitimacy of the class of the power.
The constraints protect against a class of denial of service (DOS) attacks that attempt to use message complexity to tie up endpoint processing resources.
Despite the complexity of the financial state of real world, a two-class problem has usually been considered to tackle this classification task.
A class of nonlinear sequence generators of long period and high linear complexity are constructed.
Since converting drivers to the new model should reduce some infrastructural complexity and code size, it is recommended that they are converted as class information is added.
Middleware is a class of software technologies designed to help manage the complexity and heterogeneity inherent in distributed systems.