While I was attending lectures on English literature at the University College, Loken Palit was my class fellow.
Compare your notes with your fellow students after the class. Clear up all misunderstandings by consulting your lecturer or other students.
Many are middle-class and middle-aged folk who would never dream of taking a swing at a fellow boozer, but regularly polish off a bottle or two of wine at home with dinner.
In my AP European History class, my fellow students and I are always struggling to keep up with taking notes.
In Fran brown's first-grade class last month, a brown-haired boy spat on a fellow student.
The 19-year-old starlet was seen playing team-building exercises with fellow class of 2013 freshmen.
Like a lepidopterist, Sander captured and classified his fellow Germans, arranging them by profession, social class and family relationships.
In the opinion of his fellow-writers and critics, Mr. Calvino was a world-class author. His stories and especially his folk tales were translated in many countries.
Each student will have an opportunity to teach several minutes of a class, followed by feedback from the teacher as well as fellow students.
Has always been honest and kind-hearted concern for your fellow students know how to go quietly to work for the class.
One of my fellow midshipmen at the U. S. Naval Academy was performing poorly in class and reported to his company officer for counseling.
As their powers grew, a distinct change came over Azshara and the Highborne. The haughty, aloof upper class became increasingly callous and cruel towards their fellow night elves.
When once the final math exam, that class for a town first. (grandfather taught math) in the class, grandpa most concerned about is that the worst of a fellow student.
Arsenal's young goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny believes that fellow goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski can become a world class goalkeeper at the Emirates.
When the class ended, he wondered why he didn't hear the cruel taunts of his fellow students.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. One day, in an oral English class my fellow students and I had a heated discussion on the meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. One day, in an oral English class my fellow students and I had a heated discussion on the meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.