You might combine these techniques into a class wrapper for convenience, using some magic methods.
For example, the marshaler determines that the class wrapper should be used to wrap the interface that was passed into managed code.
By adding a wrapper class, you have broken subtype polymorphism.
Like the wrapper class, this technique fulfills your requirements, but it comes with its own disadvantages.
Listing 2 shows the code for the database wrapper class.
This class provides a wrapper over a text file that lists each line of a file as it is iterated over.
This wrapper class drops its connection to the DataObject when it goes out of scope, or gets nulled.
If you need another data type such as integer, floating point, or Boolean value, you will have to parse the string using the appropriate wrapper class.
The wrapper class also handles XSL transformations, namespaces and schema validation if needed.
A single driver script connects the front end to the back end, and another wrapper class on the front end gives you access to all the tables you need.
Listing 11 is a wrapper class that can generate a complete XML encrypted file.
清单11是一个能够生成完整X ML加密文件的封装器类。
To pass this to a recursive method, the anonymous class should extend a wrapper type known to the method.
Listing 2 and Listing 3 show a simple PHP application with a class, methods, and some wrapper code.
The wrapper class would take care of formatting the arguments into an XML string resembling the code above.
For example, the lifeline of a wrapper class should probably be right next to the lifeline of the wrapped class.
Any access to the data repository is made through a thread-safe wrapper class named RepositoryWrapper.
Listing 9 shows the wrapper class, which is named RepositoryWrapper in the sample application.
Autoboxing: Rather than generating calls to the valueOf method in the wrapper class, the compiler generates calls to the constructor instead.
自动装箱:编译器不生成对包装器类的value Of方法的调用,而是生成对构造函数的调用。
So ButterflyFile provides a standard wrapper class around a file.
To make matters worse, the rules for comparing NaN and -0 are different between the primitive float type and the wrapper class float.
使事情更糟的是,在基本float类型和包装类float之间,用于比较NaN和- 0的规则是不同的。
A DataObjectPtr is really a wrapper class holding a pointer to the DataObject.
In this shot the large frame in the upper right shows the disassembly of the timing wrapper method added to the StringBuilder class.
A wrapper class hides the calls to the low-level Win32 functions and provides a comfortable generic interface.
Now you can create the appropriate Web services artifacts based on this wrapper class, which internally USES the existing collection-based implementation.
Enhance the bean definition in the Spring configuration file to reflect the wrapper class.
The Ajax requests are fielded by a PHP driver page, which makes sure that the request is valid and then passes it onto a database wrapper class that handles the request.
We created a wrapper class, called HeaderCell to distinguish a header cell form a content cell.
Wrap the IoC bean in a wrapper class, which can communicate with the Axis2 framework.
Here, you are not dealing with the org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile class itself, but rather with an EMF wrapper around it.
这里,你要处理的不是or g .eclipse . core . resources . IFile类本身,而是它周围的EMF包装。
Back to the issue of opening up the connection to your blog, you'll produce a system by creating a new wrapper class around the XML-RPC connection that resolves the two necessary functions.
为了打开到blog的连接,我们围绕XML - RPC连接创建一个新的包装器类,它实现两个必需的功能。