The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations.
Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research—a classic case of "paralysis by analysis".
The classic case is the starfish Luidia Sarsi.
Mind you, if you were looking for a heart attack victim, he was a classic case.
In a classic case of supply and demand, the prise of roses peaks on Valentine's Day.
In a classic case of supply and demand, the price of roses peaks on Valentine's Day.
It is also interestingly, a classic case of Smithian vs. Keynesian models of regulation.
However, it's a classic case of programming to the corner case (or the worst-case scenario).
There are disorders of language like aphasia. The classic case was discovered by Paul Broca in 1861.
The classic case, unsolvable by traditional forensics, was the case of the body in the boarded up house.
Part six: the last part begins with a classic case, it expresses the understanding to the after taking bribe.
Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research-a classic case of "paralysis by analysis".
On the classic case of beer and diapers, management information analysis, operation in the, please make mistakes.
The classic case is the mother who plans to take her own life and believes that the children are better off in heaven with her.
And the reboot operation is the classic case of a box with a big red switch on the side; the problem is how to push the switch.
Outside of their polarity, the horrific relationship fallout boils down to he-said-she-said -- a classic case of a war of words.
What you find is roads that haven't been maintained in years - in which case they're impassable and Sri Lanka is a classic case in point.
At the same time, as a classic case, it is also the first major application of LED tunnel lights and LED induction lights internationally.
The classic case of not revaluing in the face of a large external surplus is when there is conflict with domestic macroeconomic objectives.
When I told people I was going to meet Paul Merton, everyone had him down as a classic case of the former - and to be honest, that was my fear too.
It might surprise you that we are trying to make a serious point. This is a classic case where correlation, however strong, does not mean causation.
This paper provides insights into a classic case in public policy formulation through exploring the decision-making process of Singapore 's metro development.
If you don't know where you're going, and they don't know where they're going, we have a classic case of the blind leading the blind; both of you will end-up in a ditch.
The use of case studies will from the reality of the classic case-control framework for theoretical analysis to identify the gaps, come to the conclusion of the stud.
Haagen-Dazs ice cream in a mature market has achieved a high level of consumer recognition and welcome, the "luxury" marketing tool to become the industry classic case.
Haagen-Dazs ice cream in a mature market has achieved a high level of consumer recognition and welcome, the "luxury" marketing tool to become the industry classic case.