This is called negation and is based on classical logic.
The paraconsistent logic belongs to the unusual non- classical logic.
As we know, contrapositive symmetry is the tautology in classical logic.
We believe it's a non-classical logic with philosophical purport or cause.
Human thinking, as many of us know, often fails to respect the principles of classical logic.
Medium logic is an non-classical logic system about researching distinct objects and fuzzy objects.
It is a formal theory of computability in the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth.
Material and logical implication coincide in the classical logic, however they do not coincide in every logics.
The law of excluded middle is one of the basic laws of thought, which underlies all demonstrations in the classical logic.
Now, studies about fuzzy logic, quantum logic and the corresponding algebra systems are very active in non-classical logic.
This idea fits with the views of some psychologists, who argue that strict classical logic only plays a small part in the human mind.
Understanding argument as a semantic conception or as pragmatic conception is the watershed between informal logic and classical logic.
While pointing out some defects of classical logic, the paper attributes them to substantial implication being directly applied to inference.
To inspecting the logic theory of "Jing xia" has also proved that it is very greatly and prosperously about Chinese classical logical thought.
This paper also explores some rules of inference in classical logic and modal logic, and discusses the validity of these rules of inference in daily life.
The definition of establishment of mutually inverse proper implication in mutually-inversistic logic is the same as that of material implication in classical logic, but their meanings are different.
Since the connection with the poker chips is established through classical conditioning, sooner or later by that logic the poker chips would lose their power to serve as reinforcers.
That means search algorithms based on quantum logic could uncover meanings in masses of text more efficiently than classical algorithms.
The movement concerned itself with the logic of entire Classical volumes, unlike Classical revivalism, which tended to reuse Classical parts.
How to make classical mathematical logic more flexible to contain various uncertainties and evolution is a new challenge that logics faces.
This fascinating logic arcade perfectly combines a principle classical Bingo and a dynamical gameplay with destruction of multi-coloured balls.
Continuous first-order logic is an analog of classical first-order logic.
We proved that the new paraconsistent tableau algorithm is decidable and has the same reasoning ability with the classical Description Logic over consistent ontologies.
According to the semi classical model, the transfer characteristics of CMOS type single electron digital logic cells were analyzed by the Monte Carlo simulation.
Because perfect IF inferences donot involve modal concepts, idealized IF logic is analogous to classical propositional logic.
New institution economics is based on the study of people, system and economic activities and their relationship with the help of the logic and methods of neo-classical economy.
On the model with reasonable isomorph suppose, a model-based diagnosis is used in program debbuging for logic errors, and compare this model to the other classical models on its advantages.
In this paper, we try to change an example in classical paradox into the model of analogical study, then discuss and give a solution of knowledge inconsistency using the thought of hypo-logic.
In this paper, we try to change an example in classical paradox into the model of analogical study, then discuss and give a solution of knowledge inconsistency using the thought of hypo-logic.