In central North Carolina, we have a radio station, WCPE, that broadcasts classical music 24 hours a day.
Over there... you turn on your radio, your car radio, to your FM classical music station and what number approximately would you go to?
Only if things were particularly slow would he switch on the radio, always to a classical-music station, this person recalls.
This unique campus radio station offers a diversity of programming, which includes alternative rock, folk, classical and jazz music as well as news, public affairs and multicultural programming.
This unique campus radio station offers a diversity of programming, which includes alternative rock, folk, classical and jazz music as well as news, public affairs and multicultural programming.
If I switch on the radio and hear some nice classical music, I will sit and listen to it but I don't sort of play records or go for any particular type of music.
If I switch on the radio and hear some nice classical music, I will sit and listen to it but I don't sort of play records or go for any particular type of music.