Quantitative assessing and screening on clean coal technologies suitable for resident.
We must strengthen incentives for all energy alternatives -- nuclear, clean coal, wind, solar and tide.
This inevitably means that clean coal and carbon sequestration loom large on any bilateral energy agenda.
"Clean coal" is a term coined by the industry decades ago, referring to its efforts to reduce local pollution.
Pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle(PFBC CC) power generation is a new clean coal technology.
Shell is committed to provide cleaner energy solutions for China, including clean coal technologies from Shell.
Subsidies have recently been boosted for offshore windfarms, while clean coal is at least 15 years from being viable.
They also welcomed concrete cooperation in the fields of renewable energy, clean coal, bio fuel and energy efficiency.
IGCC is one of advanced clean coal power generation systems. Now it has become the research hotspot of energy power field.
A clean coal technology forum is set up in net for exchange opinion and information between experts and technical workers.
In addition, clean coal technology will be put into international market for increasing the enterprise competition ability of US.
But critics say that "clean coal" is a pipe dream, an oxymoron in terms of the carbon emissions that count most toward climate change.
Over the past two years, China built more efficient and clean coal-fired power plants, managed to take hold of the technologies and cut cost.
Moreover Future Fuels, a US company, has recently signed a deal that will allow it to apply a Chinese clean coal technology at a new plant in the US.
Priority topics to be addressed willinclude energy efficiency in buildings, clean coal (including carboncapture and sequestration), and clean vehicles.
Our joint clean energy Research Center is funding new approaches to energy efficiency, clean coal — which we both need to deal with — and clean vehicles.
As the world's largest oil consumers, China and America have much to gain from cooperation in new and renewable energy, clean coal and energy efficiency.
Rod Quinn, a regional director of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, was among those leading the charge for collaboration on "clean coal" technology.
太平洋西北国家实验室(Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory)的区域主管罗德·奎因(RodQuinn),是在“清洁碳”技术合作领域冲锋在前的开拓者之一。
Priority topics to be addressed will include energy efficiency in buildings, clean coal (including carbon capture and sequestration), and clean vehicles.
He said Britain needed to harness all technologies such as wind, fuel and clean coal to help meet challenging targets and counter the threat of climate change.
Decreasing sulfur content of coal through to strengthen clean coal technology research and development that is the basic route for decreasing the influence.
只有加强洁净煤技术的研究降低商品煤的含硫量, 才能从根本上减轻煤中硫对电力生产的不利影响。
And that means by 2035, 80 percent of our electricity will come from renewables like wind and solar, as well as efficient natural gas, clean coal, nuclear power.
Any final deal is sure to include vast handouts for farmers and subsidies for "clean coal" -the idea that you can burn the stuff and then bury the CO2 underground.
Any final deal is sure to include vast handouts for farmers and subsidies for "clean coal" -the idea that you can burn the stuff and then bury the CO2 underground.