The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.
The ability to start with a clean SLATE every 2-3 months is priceless.
To really make the clean SLATE method work for you, it's helpful to set a purge deadline.
Now you have a "clean SLATE" to work with, but you don't have to throw anything away.Yet.
Now you have a "clean SLATE" to work with, but you don't have to throw anything away. Yet.
It resets default styles for spacing, tables, fonts, etc. so you can work from a clean SLATE.
To find a smooth sail in your love life you have to learn to forgive and move on with a clean SLATE.
Leave undeserved negative thoughts behind and allow your new boss to earn your trust from a clean SLATE.
Allow me to come clean SLATE, I would like to better cherish this hard-won things, are more willing to live.
Tom was sent to the principal for whispering in class. He had a clean SLATE so the principal did not punish him.
Rather than building a framework on top of an existing language, mobl started with a clean slate as an external DSL.
Often times using the Clean Slate Method the other person will admit to "wrong doing"... but you can not EXPECT this.
Because it's a first-time experience, the child's mental environment is a clean slate, so to speak, with respect to dogs.
Now that you have a clean SLATE and you realize some people still think you stink: Forget about what everyone else thinks!
Not every project gets a clean SLATE at the end, which is a great equalizer in terms of learning to write maintainable code.
Make sure you head into marriage with a clean SLATE of honesty as it relates to both your feelings and your feelings for her.
A new relationship with a new partner will also represent a clean SLATE, a chance for these women to regain their good girl status.
Your goal is to be able to leave your job with a clean slate (and no personal/private information left behind) and at a moment's notice.
We asked ourselves: starting from a clean SLATE, what would a language look like that is dedicated to developing mobile web applications?
However, Web Beans had the advantage of starting from a clean SLATE and so the end result is cleaner, more elegant and more type safe overall.
I have named this "formula" - the clean SLATE Method because it has the power to "wipe the SLATE clean" so a relationship can begin to heal.
If you ever want to overwrite any of your local modifications, you can do another checkout with the -f option to bring you back to a clean SLATE.
This drastically simplifies things and leaves you with a clean SLATE - a fresh, solid foundation to build upon without needless interferences.
We will see... but certainly he will want to present himself in Italy with a clean SLATE, so he can't allow his team to lose on purpose against the Romanians.
The latter approach has the obvious advantage of providing a clean slate, enabling the definition of a language that is optimally suited to the problem at hand.
The latter approach has the obvious advantage of providing a clean slate, enabling the definition of a language that is optimally suited to the problem at hand.