It is still not clear what events triggered off the demonstrations.
The crash happened shortly after take-off when the plane was unable to gain enough height to clear the mountains.
By the time we got to middle school, it was clear that my older brother preferred meditation, while I was a born performer who preferred the theatrical, even when off stage.
We found that if a prototype didn't have clear, measurable goals, it quickly drifted off into "Look what I can do."..
The day after the disaster, policemen guarding the shrine told this correspondent to clear off, saying they did not want any more foreigners killed here.
Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?
Pare Down your Library: Clear off your bookshelves and put all the books in a box. Now you have empty shelves to work with.
Pare Down your Library: Clear off your bookshelves and put all the books in a box.
It should be clear by now that turning off buffering is a really bad idea for most applications.
Clear important, but unnecessary items off your schedule for a day - and let them go.
But one lesson is clear. Laying off, even for just six years, has as big an effect on migratory fish as it does on sedentary ones.
The EU must also continue to object forcefully to the gas cut-off, making clear that it undermines Russia’s credibility as a reliable energy supplier.
Warm their car up for them: If chilly weather makes your car parked outside too cold, you could go out there and brave the cold to start the car for them (and if it snowed, even clear it off for them!
In either case, it seems clear that the effort has paid off for one small, highly innovative startup.
Goode said that the images were achieved with the 1.6 m clear aperture, off-axis New Solar Telescope (NST) at BBSO.
The trade-off for participants is clear: participation drives value.
Start the summer off with a massive clear out of all of the things you've accumulated this year.
Let's be clear about this right off the bat — an app store isn't the Internet.
Rather it mists, it dribbles, it hangs overhead, bathing the harbor in a clear gray light, running off umbrellas in tiny little droplets.
He bear-hugged Higuain so tightly he almost lifted the striker clear off the ground, and he protested a late foul by Messi so vociferously you'd think the refs were Italian tax collectors.
It's pretty clear that buying an off-the-shelf device is a lot cheaper than building a custom box.
They also vary in color, ranging from clear to white or off-white.
Professor Philip R. Goodewill at the New Jersey Institute of Technology said that the images were achieved with the 1.6 m clear aperture, off-axis New Solar Telescope (NST) at BBSO.
新泽西理工学院的PhilipR. Goodewill教授说大熊湖新望远镜拍摄的照片使用了有效口径1.6米的离轴光学系统。
The police spokesman said about a dozen trams were held up until a tow lorry arrived to clear the car off the track.
At home, if you are messy like me, you may need to clear off your dining room table - that is, move your newspapers, books, and other things so that you'll have room to eat your meal.
It was demonstrated that the water extractant of Longjing tea had powerful ability to clear off hydroxyl radicals.
"To clear off" means to organize and remove things that are covering the surface of a table, desk, or shelves.
"To clear off" means to organize and remove things that are covering the surface of a table, desk, or shelves.