I wish I could go with you but I really have to clear off arrears first.
Pare Down your Library: Clear off your bookshelves and put all the books in a box.
The shop decided to clear off the winter clothes when the new summer fashions arrived.
Never clear off your desk by randomly throwing things in a drawer. Gotcha! You will eventually have to go.
She can understand human speech: "Hedwig," he said gloomily, "you're going to have to clear off for a week."
When I get back to my desk, I clear off a few stacks of paper on top of my desk so I have some space to work.
"To clear off" means to organize and remove things that are covering the surface of a table, desk, or shelves.
When I get back to my desk, I clear off a few stacks of paper on the top of my desk so I have some space to work.
It was demonstrated that the water extractant of Longjing tea had powerful ability to clear off hydroxyl radicals.
The solution: Before you start any of your work in the morning, give yourself 10 to 15 minutes to clear off your desk.
Pare Down your Library: Clear off your bookshelves and put all the books in a box. Now you have empty shelves to work with.
I said, "I clear off a few stacks of paper." a "stack" (stack) is a pile, or a group of things that are placed on top of each other.
Never clear off your desk by randomly throwing things in a drawer. Gotcha! You will eventually have to go through that drawer. Instead.
The day after the disaster, policemen guarding the shrine told this correspondent to clear off, saying they did not want any more foreigners killed here.
At this time we will need to clear off the clipboard, the above is convenient under the Windows 7 system complete copy of the file content know-how.
This story begins with me saying that when I get back, or return, to my desk, I clear off a few stacks of paper on the top of my desk so I have some space to work.
我一直所从事的文件是一份下周就要到期的报告,并且截止日期很快就要到了。 “截止日期”是某工作必须完成的日期。
The conclusion summarizes the preamble data as well as the results, so we can clear off the article vein much better, emphasize the viewpoints and strengthen the impression.
At home, if you are messy like me, you may need to clear off your dining room table - that is, move your newspapers, books, and other things so that you'll have room to eat your meal.
He bear-hugged Higuain so tightly he almost lifted the striker clear off the ground, and he protested a late foul by Messi so vociferously you'd think the refs were Italian tax collectors.
I almost expected a rebuff for this hardly well-timed question, but, on the contrary, waking out of his scowling abstraction, he turned his eyes towards me, and the shade seemed to clear off his brow.
It is still not clear what events triggered off the demonstrations.
The crash happened shortly after take-off when the plane was unable to gain enough height to clear the mountains.
By the time we got to middle school, it was clear that my older brother preferred meditation, while I was a born performer who preferred the theatrical, even when off stage.
Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?
We found that if a prototype didn't have clear, measurable goals, it quickly drifted off into "Look what I can do."..
It should be clear by now that turning off buffering is a really bad idea for most applications.
Clear important, but unnecessary items off your schedule for a day - and let them go.
Clear important, but unnecessary items off your schedule for a day - and let them go.