As September has the clear sky and fresh air, it is a very good time to climb the mountain.
Heavy rains are followed by clear sky, strong winds by light winds or calms.
And beyond that great woolly clouds floated almost motionless in a clear sky.
My dream city is the one with red tiling, green trees, blue sea and clear sky.
Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.
Suddenly, the wind started blowing, and the clear sky blackened with storm clouds.
I love late autumn, love these bright, clear sky, love that there is sign of cooling season!
I can look up to the clear sky, likely was looks up to beautifully not once love which injured.
Out of a clear sky there comes one day a letter from Boris whom I have not seen for months and months.
Look highland meadow, nature root carving garden, feel fresh air and clear sky, and unlimited view.
In a clear sky from a dark location at the right time, a faint band of light is visible across the sky.
Hainan as the only tropical island in China enjoys clear sky, azure blue sea, fresh air and beautiful scenery.
Binoculars help out with the search, although both worlds are actually visible to the unaided eye in a clear sky.
A rich man is enjoying the ocean scene, clear sky and warm sunshine on the beach,beside him lieing a unknown young vagrant.
一个富人正在沙滩上享用大海的美景,晴朗的天空和温暖的阳光。 此时,他身边躺着一个一文不名的年轻的流浪汉。
Autumn arrived, the mood changes to settle. A clear sky, looking at the mind like a cup full of strong feelings of longing.
I've only seen its sceneries on books. The clear sky with sunshine and the sunset on the beach... Everything there seems amazing.
This is a quiet summer Morning. the sun has already got high up in the clear sky, but there are still bright dew-drops in the fields.
An optical thickness of less than 0.1 indicates a clear sky with maximum visibility; a value of 1 or above indicates very hazy conditions.
Based on the analysis, the increasing of ozone in troposphere can lead to almost positive clear sky radiative forcing at top of atmosphere.
Compared to the image acquired the previous day, Alex appears tighter, with fewer areas of clear sky or thin clouds within the body of the storm.
Trees on the earth, is the falling leaves flying movement nourish gratitude; Silk waft of clear sky, is a cloud in the blue sky feeding of gratitude.
He had to wait days until a one-hour window of clear sky broke out, enabling him to quickly grab his camera and take his pictures at the remote lake location.
Finally, a rough sea, the petrel undeterred, go forward, go all out. Finally, the sky dark clouds disperse, clear sky, retain the petrel arrogant fearless.
Finally, a rough sea, the petrel undeterred, go forward, go all out. Finally, the sky dark clouds disperse, clear sky, retain the petrel arrogant fearless.