Click on the layer Comps menu and select new layer comp or click on the Create a new layer comp button at the bottom of the layer Comps Panel.
To create the mask click on the Add vector mask button at the bottom of the Layers Panel.
Click the Create button (circled in blue in Figure 11) that's next to the output table.
Open the database, navigate to Applications, and then click the New application button at the top to create an application configuration document.
If you copy text on a web page and then create a new TAB, the extension offer a button to click and search the copied term using the default search engine.
Create the customer service database by typing CustomerServiceDatabase in the Create DB field, then click the Create button.
After you click Finish button J2C Tools will try to create specified managed connection factory on the server instance, as shown in Figure 12.
Select the Create XML file from an XML schema file radio button, and click Next.
Click the New button to create a default mapping model and give it an appropriate name.
If you do not have a working set already, you can click the Select button to create your own working set, as shown in Figure 4.
Click on the + button to create a new profiler rule in the rule editor (Figure 31).
After you're satisfied with the Settings for the bridge you're about to create, click on the OK button.
Data does not flow into the decision, so you must click the Add button to create the expression.
On the Create new application dialog (Figure 6), enter or select the appropriate values for all fields and then click the Create button.
To create an instance of the vending machine, click the check box in front of VendingMachine and then click the Start instance button, see Figure 8.
Figure 1 shows the inspection of the Create button of the soria theme in the Dijit theme Tester. (For a larger view, click here.)
To create a new database called "student", enter this command in the command pane and click the Execute (green arrow) button.
If a warning comes up saying "Unable to determine current database version", click the Create Db button.
如果出现一个警告“Unable todeterminecurrentdatabaseversion”,单击CreateDb按钮。
Click the Generate stub files button on the form to create the Axis stub files.
单击窗体上的GeneratestubFiles按钮,创建Axis stub文件。
From the Test Map view, click the associate XML files toolbar button and then use the Generate input button to create and associate a new sample input file.
From within the XML Mapping Editor, you can click the Associate XML files toolbar button and then use the Generate Input button to create and associate a new sample input file.
从XMLMappingEditor 内,可以单击Associate XMLfiles工具栏按钮,然后使用GenerateInput 按钮来创建和关联新示例输出文件。
You can click the create query button to create a new query for work items with certain values in certain fields; you also specify which of the work items' fields to show in the output.
Click on the create and deploy button to create and deploy the connection pool (see Figure 3).
From within the Mapping Editor, you can click the associate XML files toolbar button, and then use the Generate input button to create and associate a new sample input file.
The first button has a simple action, when you click it the text of the button changes to be Hello World!. We can then create a test for this as follows.
第一个按钮只有一个非常简单的动作,即当你点击它时,它的名称会改为“Hello World !”
You can click the Redact documents or create template button to bring up the document selection panel.
单击Redact documentsorcreatetemplate按钮到文档选择面板。
To create a new template, click the create button. All you need to provide is a name for your template.
Click the create new radio button to create a new project. Specify the project path to be the path where you published your Studio resources to.
In the Run configurations window, select Performance Schedule on the left, then click the new button to create a new configuration, as shown in Figure 16.
In the "Update sites to visit" dialog box, click the new remote site button to create a new remote site from which to download plug-ins.
在“Updatesites tovisit”对话框中,单击newRemotesite按钮来创建从其中下载插件的新远程站点。