The client-server model firmly distinguishes the roles of the client and server.
In the '90s, the industry went through an upheaval as the client-server model displaced the mainframe.
It's a basic client-server model benchmark and contains two corresponding executables, netperf and netserver.
The client-server model is popular in distributed systems. Can it also be used in a single-computer system?
Peers can be suppliers and consumers of resources (in the client-server model, only servers supply and clients consume).
Unlike traditional e-commerce, which follows the client-server model, on-line auctions are more of a peer-to-peer system, sort of consumer-to-consumer.
OTP systems are typically built on a client-server model, where at a given time, for a given user, the same one-time passwords are generated on the client side.
By analyzing the requirements for communication of the netted-radar system based on central processing station, it presents an ATM switch architecture similar to the client-server model.
Introduces a dynamic programming model for both server and client.
The generated data model classes are the same for client and server, even though they're generated separately by the project build.
The parameter and result types that pass between client and server can include types declared in the component's storage model.
Here, we're agreeing to interoperate strictly on the format of the message, without caring about the data model on the client and server.
The primary benefit of a thin client architecture model is deployment ease -- by changing the source in one location (the server), users are instantly upgraded when they return to the application.
瘦客户机架构模式的最大优点是部署简便 ——只需在一个位置(服务器)更改源代码,在用户再次使用应用程序时,就可以立即完成升级。
Since many of the surrounding XML technologies are common to the application server and the browser, you can extend the XML data model seen in the first article to the client as well.
With the paradigm shift from client server model to the cloud computing model, IT workers will need new sets of skills.
ObjectGrid can be deployed with a client server deployment model, using either static clusters or dynamic clusters.
When a connection between client and server is established, Jazz checks that both sides have the same version of a storage model.
Use regular expressions at the client and at the server to facilitate a consistent validation model
In this article, you've learned how the flexibility of the SCA runtime and client programming model allows Web service clients to invoke Process Server services.
Typical Web services employ a remote presentation paradigm, meaning all view logic executes on the client, whereas the application logic and the data layer (controller and model) reside on the server.
Our approach with the OData Service for Team Foundation Server 2010 is to then provide a layer on top of the client object model to provide the OData interfaces we wish to expose.
而ODataServiceforTeamFoundationServer 2010所提供的方法会在客户对象模型之上提供一个层,从而提供我们想要暴露的OData接口。
Think, for example, of layered architectures, model view controller (MVC), client-server, or even SOA.
例如,分层体系结构、模型-视图-控制器(Model View Controller,mvc)、客户机-服务器甚至SOA。
Many systems and applications follow an architectural model that divides the responsibility for providing functionality between a server and a client.
Developers interact with centralized VCS systems using a client/server model, where changes to your local copy of the source code can only be pushed back to the central repository.
The next step is to allow validation constraints to be expressed declaratively against your model, and for those constraints to be enforced on both the client-side and server-side.
In contrast to the server-side programming model, there is no client-side mechanism for composing atomic transactions over the repository.
The client programming model works in a fashion similar to the server programming model.
Instructions are executed at the server; the client only receives the updates in the UI components and data model.
On the other hand, if you can use hints from the client and server, so the server can prepare for the incoming late-model, high-performance sports car, then round-trip time can be reduced.
To reduce this type of server traffic, WebSphere Portal now supports a client-side programming model in which portlet state changes can be performed more efficiently on the client side.