A client account has a name, password, and a list of sync sources the client is allowed to synchronize with.
The restriction system is designed to identify the specific types of securities that the client has designated as either eligible or prohibited for purchase in their account.
On the Setup User Registry page, select your user registry, setup a user account for yourself, and assign a client access license to the user account you're creating.
That way in your folder-focused desktop client, the messages will be in one place and easy to transfer to your new account.
Moreover, instead of listing all the URIs that the application is using, the documentation included just the one URI that the account transfer client needs to start interacting with.
Accessing protected objects from an unauthenticated client or an account with lower privileges than required will return a login prompt or "HTTP 401" error, respectively.
从一个未经身份验证的客户机或权限低于所要求权限的帐户试图访问受保护的对象将会分别导致一个登录提示或“HTTP 401 ”错误。
Besides the challenges of the client demands, we also had to account for the flexible nature of our work environment.
Similarly, any number of a Client user's public key can be copied in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on server user account.
可以以相似方式把任意数量的客户机用户的公共密钥复制到服务器用户账户的 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys文件中。
Suppose you want to define a subclass of InsufficientFundFault, called AccountInsufficientFundFault, to carry the account number of the requesting client (see Listing 5).
Furthermore, the solution needed to establish interoperability between the client and server without forcing the Managed Account Group to extend its current Microsoft operating environment.
Cons: lots of ads; limited functionality; no upload client; free account very limited.
One simple approach is to configure your Gmail account to archive every E-mail after it is downloaded by a POP client.
Create a user on the AIX client that corresponds to the Windows 2003 user account.
在AIX客户机上创建一个与Windows 2003用户账户对应的用户。
Let's take a look at a simple dynamic proxy client that creates an account, withdraws money, and then checks the account balance.
In addition, any Notes users expected to access the Query Views must have a valid DB2 user account, which must be set from the Domino Administration Client prior to deployment.
Signing up for an iCloud account gives you web access to a new email client, calendar, contacts, Find My iPhone, and documents in the cloud.
In many customer environments, you can install the IBM Cognos Controller client whilst logged onto the end user's PC using any 'administrative' Windows user account.
Huwvan Steenis, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, says that since investment Banks are now relying more on client businesses and less on trading on their own account, revenues have become more volatile.
摩根·士丹利的一位分析员Huw vanSteenis称,由于现在投资银行更多的是依赖客户业务,同时对为自己的交易已不再(像以前)那样依赖,收入也就因此而多变。
Before the client can update an account's status, the account must grant it permission to do so. Listing 1 is a short program to generate the authorization URL for an application for an account.
By looking at such media types, the client knows whether it received a representation of an account resource or a transfer resource.
It stores both the account data snapshots in a regular array and returns them to the client as the final result.
For this example, as the client has the information it needs to initiate an account transfer, let me skip these requests.
A syndication solution would not be complete without taking into account the client-side implementation.
For remote applications using a client channel connection, the principal is the account in the channel's MCAUSER attribute.
These objects will be used with the client to authenticate with the account in all future transactions.
At this point, the user account information can be removed from the client system and be obtained from the LDAP directory.
Step 2: Since the client knows the IDs of both accounts, if necessary, it can submit GET requests to the following URIs to obtain more information of each account.
The Virtual team application was created to assist the sales team's communication by visually locating an account team for a specific client and instantly determining who was available.
JavaScript vs. no JavaScript. In our weather example, we can modify the WML JSP to take into account the capabilities of the WML client.
Step 3: the client then issues an account transfer by submitting a POST request as follows.