The client area excludes window scroll bars.
Therefore, showing the rectangular non-client area defeats that purpose.
These coordinates are scaled based on the width and height of the client area.
Change the contents of the client area in response to a change in the scroll bar.
The client area of a form is the area within a form where controls can be placed.
To be exact, we will learn how to display a bitmap in the client area of our window.
Now that the bitmap is loaded, we can paint it in the client area of our main window.
In other Words, we have 75 lines of information but only 50 can fit in the client area at any time.
The origin for client coordinates is the upper-left corner of the client area of the control or form.
Each position of the scroll bar corresponds to a line of text displayed at the top of the client area.
If at least one mouse click has occurred, it draws the string in the client area at the mouse position.
If the scroll bar thumb is at position0, the first line will be positioned at the top of the client area.
For example, a team could organize the product work into a client area, a server area, and an extensibility area.
Gets or sets the color of the client area of the button when the mouse is pressed within the bounds of the control.
Gets or sets the color of the client area of the button when the mouse pointer is within the bounds of the control.
Docking toolbars can be dragged onto or off this client area, and arrange themselves according to the space available.
Note that the page coordinate space has its origin at the upper-left corner of the client area; this will always be the case.
Our first job in solving this problem is to determine how much of the program's output can actually fit within the client area.
In all cases, the upper-left coordinate of the rectangle is included in the client area, while the lower-right coordinate is excluded.
For the first version of this function, if this value is NULL, the entire client area is selected and output is still clipped to the window.
These include extending the frame into the client area, providing custom client area measurements, and hit testing for the custom frame area.
Say, for example, that you want the origin to be 100 pixels from the left edge of the client area and 50 pixels from the top of the client area.
例如,您希望原点位于距离工作区左边缘 100像素和距离工作区顶端50 像素的位置。
The CCS_TOP and CCS_BOTTOM styles for common controls determine whether the toolbar is positioned along the top or the bottom of the client area.
用于共同控制的CCS _ TOP和CCS_BOTTOM样式决定了工具条是否靠着窗口客户区的顶部或者底部。
Typically, a document stores your data and a view displays it within the client area of a frame window and manages user interaction with the data.
You can use this property to obtain the size and coordinates of the client area of the control for tasks such as drawing on the surface of the control.
Clearly, this is not desirable. Our first job in solving this problem is to determine how much of the program's output can actually fit within the client area.
Note that because the origin of the world coordinate space is at the upper-left corner of the client area, the page coordinates are the same as the world coordinates.
Note that because the origin of the world coordinate space is at the upper-left corner of the client area, the page coordinates are the same as the world coordinates.