The energy shortage, global climate warming-up and the heavy demand on power and gas all have strengthened people's development and utilization of solar energy.
They were immediately picked up by climate change sceptics as evidence of an international conspiracy to blame global warming on human activity.
For the most part, warming temperatures and shifting rain patterns expected from climate change are likely to dry up and deteriorate peat.
Yields have been going up around the world despite the warming climate—and over 29 years those increases swamp the estimated global reductions due to climate.
Hydrologists expect that a warming climate will see the cycle of evaporation, condensation and precipitation speed up.
Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon, which would then act to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon.
The characteristics of multi-timescale temperature change in Puyang, Henan Province and its effects on grain production caused by the warming-up climate are analyzed.
The scholars of different countries have put forward various new methods for slowing up the global climate warming through reducing the emission of the carbon dioxide.
The scholars of different countries have put forward various new methods for slowing up the global climate warming through reducing the emission of the carbon dioxide.